Holy masturbation, batman!

Do you prefer a masturbator with a hole at the end? Or one that is closed?

The obvious points to me are that the closed ones more 'convenient' for a quick wank wherever you like without having to worry about mess or lube leakage. And the open ones are good for couples, i.e going down on him whilst using it, or for solo play - there being less to clean from the inside.

Any other thoughts, for example, on the sensation of 'popping out' the end?

There doesn't seem to be many open ones that I've noticed. The only open ended one I've tried was dire. I've reviewed it, the 'Lusting Kiss'.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Aww. That will teach me to judge a thread by it's title!

Pahaha! Possibly after I decide which one is best ;)

I was considering this too.. I'd have to say a plus for the suction effect on closed ended sleeves/strokers.

They're all different though. As well as the open/closed ended effect there's the texture, quality and how tight it is. All of which adds to the effect overall.

I've sent off the TC sleeve and the head honcho to my OH. I wonder which he'll prefer.. The head honcho particularly felt good when I handled it. So thick and squidgy! =P

Only if you have a willing partner though Hella!

I've tried a couple of different ones, and I've not been totally satisfied with either type. I had an open ended Doc Johnson in a random grab bag a while back, and I found that popping out the end wasn't that satisfying. Recently I tried a closed ended "Sasha Grey" Doc Johnson, which was basically the same as the other one, but this just wasn't deep enough. I'm thinking that a much longer closed end would be the best, but I think only the fleshlights are like that, and they are pretty expensive.

Fab idea Hella, I'll keep my eye out for that! I think masturbators with holes in each end are much easier to clean x

Ooh! Now you've done it Hella!


Ah, not quite so good. The only BOGOFs left are "Super tight" and "Ultra tight". There is a Butt super ridged, but I'm not really a butt kind of guy.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Aww. That will teach me to judge a thread by it's title!

I was expecting a Batman themed sex toy or some hilarious story about an action figure. Ach well.

Well, there's always the one where Superman sees Wonderwoman lying naked on a roof top, and jumps on her. She was surprised, but not half as much as the Invisible man was!

I considered using the crappy one I had to receive oral, never got around to it because it was so crap.