Honest chat about 'taboo' bodily stuff

@WillC, I’m really sorry to hear how much Mrs Will and yourself have suffered :weary:

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Bless you @Knight1119! We just get on with it, there are others far worse off! Thanks my friend! :slight_smile:

You’re very welcome @WillC mate. It’s really hard watching someone you love suffer :slightly_smiling_face:


@Knight1119 as you well know! We have to be strong for them.


That’s true @WillC, we take it day by day, but she will never get better emotionally.

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It can be a roller coaster. I hope you feel better today. x

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@Mrs.John, @wildflower, & @MsR

Thanks for the advice and kind words. She had her appt on Thursday and seemed to somewhat confuse the doc. She didn’t bother with a pregnancy test, but based on her symptoms, wasn’t sure what to test for, so is doing some digging and will come back to us early this week but didn’t seem concerned.

The doc said testing for hormone level was problematic as they can fluctuate significantly during the month, so still no further forward.

She would be about due sometime this week in her regular cycle, so we’ll see if anything happens this time


Thanks for the update. If she doesn’t already I would recommend a cycle tracker app. Was really helpful to show the doctor when I was having issues x

@Senator at least someone is looking at it all. Sometimes women’s cycles go a bit off track and then back again, so ‘watch and wait’ might be all that is needed.

I seem to remember that my hormone testing had to be done at a particular time of the month…
I think the main hormone they test for should be high at ovulation - if it is high at other times then it is a sign that the brain is sending ‘ovulate!’ messages to ovaries which just can’t do it. All these markers probably go up and down for a while. Good luck!

@Mrs.John I haven’t used that kind of tracker but it sounds like a good app - good to keep any sort of record to show a GP.

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She’s not big on technology, but does use a calendar for hers and my daughters cycle (we have our anniversary weekend away booked at the end of November, we planned forward to pick a weekend where mother nature wouldn’t interfere, hopefully this doesn’t ruin the best laid plans…)


I hope you’re wife feels better soon @Senator :crossed_fingers:

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I think biggest taboo I had to deal with was SOME people assume disabled women = asexual and doesn’t have needs or urges and it’s still assumed by a lot of people, even my own parents for years.

So growing up and hitting puberty was horrible and stressful because sex was never ever discussed with me as a teenager, if I asked questions my parents would just dance around it or find excuses to not be honest :woman_shrugging:

So anything sexual made me uncomfortable and scared until I got with my partner about 7 years ago, I’m 31 now but I had 0 sex education, never taught to see sex as positive when younger.

It took 2-3 years for my partner to teach me to enjoy sex and pleasure and that’s it’s ok to satisfy any urges, I still get anxiety sometimes but I’ll always blame my parents for not seeing me as a female and focus to much on the disability.

Even now, I know they have issues knowing I ‘’ sexually active since my partner lives here but that’s their hang ups, not mine.


@EmmaC1989 - this frustrates me so much! As you said it’s the same with sex education, people make assumptions that it’s just not needed for anyone with a disability and that is so damaging, both to people with disabilities but also society.

I don’t have a disability myself, but have worked with people in the past who have expressed the same thoughts as you . We are all people first and foremost with the same sexual needs and desires. Really hope some change comes about and this stigma ends!

So sorry you had to experience that, but I’m very glad to hear you’ve started to enjoy sex and pleasure - you absolutely deserve it! :blush:


Im wondering why is it that when i stimulate my p spot i only seem to leak small amounts of pre cum but when going for a poo cum seems to flow from me ?


Does it? Never had that happen! :exploding_head:

Yes and i ache for a few hours afterwards

Can I ask what you’re eating/what I should be putting on my shopping list?

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Nothing special im afraid

I would consider checking out your next exciting deposit and seeing if I could get a similar shaped toy. :slightly_smiling_face: Or perhaps it’s more the direction of travel? Are you all about the downstroke?

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