How do fellow parents of teenagers manage to have a decent sex lives?

Our nearly 15 year old stays up later than we do and has never had any qualms about walking straight into our bedroom. We have resorted to wedging a chair under our bedroom door

how does everyone else manage to have an active sex lives with teenagers around?

I have a 14 year old and I'm a single parent so when she's with her dad I have free time.

Also she would never walk straight into my bedroom if the door was shut, that's pretty rude, have you told him not to do it?

We struggle, our son is 12 and used to walk into our room. He would stay awake and then get nasty with us
so we bought a temporary lock that can be taken on and off from our side. We've also drummed it into him that he now has to knock. I've started letting him stay up later on the condition he has a few early nights and i make them the nights me and my OH are off together.We also have sex while the boys are at school and have a few nights alone thanks to my MIL. That's what has worked for us and things are so much better now. Earlier this year we were lucky if we had sex on a night

Citygirl2810 wrote:

Our nearly 15 year old stays up later than we do and has never had any qualms about walking straight into our bedroom. We have resorted to wedging a chair under our bedroom door

how does everyone else manage to have an active sex lives with teenagers around?

We have allways been a very open family, we have a 19yr old boy and a 14 yr old girl. They are both aware that their perants still love each other very much and still want to express it to each other. I have put a bolt on the inside of the bathroom and our bedroom, when it is bolted across bar a fire or something else catastrophic this is private time.When watching telly in the lounge. I did once tell my son to get to bed. When he enquired why? I told him unless he wanted to watch his mother and father have sex it was best he did. This has gone down in family folklore, as he has told most other near family and freinds.

My mum and I have a very open relationship and she's always been open with me about sex (she knows I buy from lovehoney and we'll have a gossip about toys and I've even bought her some things from here).

My dad works away through the week so she only gets the weekend with him so I always try to stay with my OH at the weekend and my brother is so addicted to his laptop/xbox hes not aware of anything else around him haha.

They'll mature with age and realise you want some time alone together :) xx

We have a bolt on the door but that's to keep the three dogs out!!!!! Otherwise they might burst in.

We used to choose our moments and what with the kids long sleeping hours managed quite well. Mind you they spend most of their life locked away in their own bedrooms so they only surface occasionally.

Eldest is at Uni' now so that only leaves two at home.

Herself and I have this problem but not with teenagers. My youngest daughter is 20 and is home pretty much every night. Her boyfriend stays here 3 of 4 nights a week too.

She's pretty much past the stage of bursting into the bedroom unannounced, but just the fact that her and her bf are in the room opposite prevents OH from fully relaxing when we get down to it. She's just about OK with sex, but there's no chance of getting the toys out and really going for it.

Is it normal for my daughter to stay in every night? What can I do to encourage her to give us some space without telling her its so we can have exciting sex?

as i don't have kids thinking back to my teenage years i could tell when my parents would have sex because i'd hear the sound of a draw open when i was trying to sleep and i assume one of the vibrators would come out, my mum never made a secret of them i remember being 15 me and her had been on holiday together and on the way home we visited a shopping center where she took me in to Ann Summers and came out with three new vibrators for herself

As a teenager I always knew when my parents where at it. The sound of the bed creaking.... The creaking getting faster, the muffled panting getting faster then all of a sudden it would stop . Two minutes later you would here te bathroom light going on and tap running. 5 monies later dad would be snoring. It's was very obvious
That and the fact the good underwear would be on the washing line the next day.
My 19 hear old sister goes to sleep listening to her iPod every night so she can't hear my parents. Not sure what my bro does because a he's in room under them. I'm just glad I moved out 7 years ago

Your kids prob know what your up to !!!

Just tell you kid(s) that they need to knock, otherwise they might see their dad with his penis inside your vagina! And that you are doing it for fun, not for a little brother/sister!

Tell them that they need to go to bed earlier, so that you can.

I think we have it a little easy, our 14 year old can not be woken once he's asleep (I'm talking, fall asleep at grandmas, "wake" him up, put his shoes on, walk him to the car, get home, up to bed, next morning he has no idea) we could probably go at it in his room and he would be oblivious.

and the little ones sleep through nearly everything too.

the only thing we need an empty house for, is the mains powered wand!

I walked in on my parents at it when I was about 15...I never went near their room if they were in it again after that!

I never walk into my parents room as I respect their privacy and that they probably want to have sex. But I couldn't imagine having sex or using a sex toy in my house as my mum and dad walk into my room every 5 minutes to ''get something'' i.e check up on me, they always go through my post and everything in my bedroom too, nightmare!!

I work from home which solves our problem. However, if I didn't I suspect they would be shipped off to friends etc a lot more than they are now.

Teach him to knock... It's a good manner to have as I'm sure a teen wants their parents to knock haha :) I havent just walked in my parents bedroom since I was a child! X

We have two teens aged 14 and 17 and we are lucky as they often stay with their Aunts at the weekend. My wifes sisters are in their early twentys and both live a few doors away so we are really lucky in that respect.

We wait till our 14 year old has gone to sleep,when my eldest lived at home he used to put headphones on when we went to bed,he was usually playing games or watching a film,that way we didn't disturb each other x

why dont you try when they are at school or playing out with there friends? or even morning sex no teenage likes to get up early, do it while they are still asleep x

6 year old and 15 year old so we have kids up at both ends of the day! Started huts going to bed at 9 and jamming a chair under our door!

I dont have teenage kids but my rents just used to give us £20 to go to the cinema so they could get down with it . (At least thats what I thought they were doing)

Gentle giant wrote:

When watching telly in the lounge. I did once tell my son to get to bed. When he enquired why? I told him unless he wanted to watch his mother and father have sex it was best he did. This has gone down in family folklore, as he has told most other near family and freinds.

That is brilliant :)