How do you initiate/ indicate an interest in sex

I don’t think the forum will want me writing it all out, but suffice to say my system has been well and truly power flushed :wink:

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@Tenshadesandme … and may i ask…how was the system operating, after said treatment/ service.:joy:

Honestly, we put it in the calendar, taking full advantage of working from home and the kids being at school!
But we can still be spontaneous at the weekend :wink:

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Slow to start up, had to install caffeine.exe and run CasualFriday. Seems okay now though :joy:

My partners have a general understanding of two facts about me:

  1. If asked for sex, I basically never refuse
  2. If I have a pulse, I’m probably ready for sex in 30 seconds or less

Those two things reduce the amount that I have to initiate. I’m perfectly happy with random sex acts. But if nobody has used me in recent hours, then I have to go looking for it. My primary technique is getting my partners to notice my need by pulling down my shorts to reveal my clit, or putting a partner’s hand between my legs. Doesn’t get more obvious than a large, hard, throbbing clit and a slick spot.

If that fails or if I want to try something different (especially with my husband) I use body heat. Get myself close enough for my warmth to be difficult to ignore, and make sure I’m easy to access. Nature takes care of the rest.


If I want sex and we aren’t in bed I’ll
Kiss my partner in a certain way - in bed I’ll cuddle and kiss her neck .

She gives me a certain look and i know exactly what she wants :joy: