How many times in 24 hours do you think of sex?

I literally never think about it, other than at work for work purposes. I feel like I'm broken after reading all these posts! 

I don't often think about it either .

Alicia4Ever wrote:

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

I literally never think about it, other than at work for work purposes. I feel like I'm broken after reading all these posts!

You are not alone Jess; you must have missed reading my post on this thraed, it's very much like yours.

Thanks Alicia4Ever - that makes me feel better! Sometimes I wonder if I don't think about it enough? It's good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't have sex on the brain. 

I have on and off days, some days i just cant get it off my mind.

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

I literally never think about it, other than at work for work purposes. I feel like I'm broken after reading all these posts!

You are not broken Jess! I think this forum doesn't really represent a standard baseline. There is no such thing as normal but comparing to a forum for randy people is possibly introducing bias. More seriously though. Perhaps Lovehoney need to give you all compulsory sex counselling!

My maths is just not up to answering this.

The numbers are way too big!


AsYouWish! wrote:

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

I literally never think about it, other than at work for work purposes. I feel like I'm broken after reading all these posts!

You are not broken Jess! I think this forum doesn't really represent a standard baseline. There is no such thing as normal but comparing to a forum for randy people is possibly introducing bias. More seriously though. Perhaps Lovehoney need to give you all compulsory sex counselling!

You know, that's actually a really good idea... 

And thanks AYW :) 

A lot, I work in a shop near a school, and there's plenty of yummy mummy's often off to the gym to look at.

i use to think about it 24/7 but now it feels less an less i even turn it away even in relationships think it is down to the problem i have

Every day, several times a day, whilst I sleep and sometimes I'm so horny I can't sleep. It's actually annoying at times!

My wife thinks I’m a sex pest as since we first met she’s teached me a few tricks of the trade 😜. And since then I just want sex I think of it every day and wish I could have sex with her everyday.

Summertime really steps up my thoughts of sex . Being able to wear less and work on my tan along with more hours of daylight seem to bring my testoserone level higher . It varies by what I am doing , but I would hazard a guess of maybe 50-75 times a day . Imagine if I had more of an outlet it would be a smaller number . My imagintation is quite active and changes often about every aspect of sex . I must admit during the dark , short days of winter the count may dip down as low as 15-20 times a day .

Quite often I think is the answer. Often my day starts with sleepy sex, then I spend time on the Lovehoney forums before work, so that rather sets the tone for the day.

So, I'm thinking maybe 40 or 50 times. It's hard to tell really, but I am horny a lot, so maybe that's got something to do with it.

Well I think about sex constantly don't know why but I keep thinking about it everyday doesn't matter where I am I would think about it a few minutes where I am

Not as often as most and probably not in the same context. I was raised pretty much on the terms that sex is between people who are in love and even though people have laughed on a night out when Iv turned people down due to my views is just part of me. We all have times where the thoughts are amped up but I tend to Only think about it if I hear a song that reminds me of a time that things got steamy or see something that might trigger a sexual thought. I don’t really get them in public as I’m really busy and don’t tend to have the time to think ha.

I’d say ever half hour pretty much. Especially now I’m single and my FWB has moved away 🙁

Constantly just recently, I’d say like 7 or 8 times an hour, my brain basically just thinks the same things on a loop ... kids, sex, food .. and repeat 😂 all day every day recently

To be honest all the time as my oh tell me I am a bit of a sex addict always up for what ever and when ever oh don’t mind thow it all good 😋