How to flirt and notice someone flirting

I really need some help on how to flirt with someone (not in an overly obvious way) and also how to notice if someone is flirting with you (or even interested). I am no good at any of this stuff.

I'll be interested to see the answers to this. I don't want/need to flirt with anyone - but recently my wife was joking about how, if we were to split up, I wouldn't even know how to flirt with new girls.

I think she's completely right. I've got no bloody idea how flirting works, and didn't have a clue even when I was single.

This topic could be massive as I think the list is almost endless. My Husband is one of those guys you'd have to beat about the head for him to notice you were interested. I am 100% faithful but do get flirted with a fair bit ( in work, at the gym etc). Normally starts with eye contact being held for more than a few seconds. Smiles. Openly checking you out when you walk past etc. Making a reason to need to speak to you. On occasion even touching a hand - but be very careful about this. I often wonder why some people are more open to flirting, I think its possibly linked to confidence. Hope my ramblings help 😊

This might sound a bit back to front but I have such low self esteem that I often misinterpret even the most basic friendliness as flirting, like "why are they being so nice to me? Do me?!"

Amy you are so sweet. Maybe they are flirting. Why wouldn't they? You are a sweetheart x

Does all this stuff mentioned really work lol. I just don't feel confident enough in myself to flirt with anyone let alone someone I like and as for someone flirting with me not sure anyone has.

Count me as one who would pretty much need a lady to hold up an "im interested" sign, even then I'd possibly still miss the signals.

As for flirting with another woman, arghh, I'd hate to have to even try. I think I can honestly say I don't have any game. I'm not down on myself, not at all, closer to 50 than 40 and no "dad bod" issues, but been married for 20+ years and flirting or even feining interest in someone other than my wife hasn't even entered my mind in decades.

@senator. Sounds like my confidence theory is wrong. 😂 Just had a flirting incident. Pulled up at the office following lunch break. Guy walking in the rain, looked at me - then second glance and waited for me to get out of the car. Asked me for directions. Then 15 minutes ago he knocks my office door to introduce himself and thank me for directions (literally I said which door). Very overly interested in what I do. I thibk I have one of those faces 😂

I really need to learn some techniques. Have the opportunity to practice this week but don't want to go overboard but also not sure they would even notice subtle hints lol.

Tasty. Try compliments. "I love your shirt.." start slow Im sure confidence will build

I am a flirter , been one forever . I can easily talk to anyone almost anywhere and do . I often just strike up a conversation with anyone and if the person is female I often comliment them if they seem like they would enjoy it . Could not tell you how I know , but I am correct almost always . You would be amazed at how often talking to a woman in the grocery store turns to flirting . Over the years I have always flirted without intending it to go anywhere , but several times especially with coworkers they mistook my intentions . One younger gal who had low self esteme and often seemed a bit down I would make her laugh or compliment her . Her husband was a real jerk and belittled her often , especially after having their twins . I evidently flirted a bit too well . The day before our Christmas vacation she was getting laid off and she dropped by to say goodbye to me ( Santa) and threw a lip lock on me and gave me her cell number and private email . I tried to let her down as gental and firm as I could . I have flirted in passing and multiple times been offered to follow them home . I do not wear a wedding ring being a machinist , so it is somewhat my fault . But my hope is that the flirting cheers them up as much as myself . Spouses often are guilty of not letting their partners know they are appriciated . In the last week I have had a "good" flirt at least 5 times . Note that I do not often flirt much out of my age range . Happy flirting !

Flirting is just beyond me I have decided. Have full admiration for anyone that can do it and not make themselves look stupid.