HRT alternatives

So as a lot of you may know, I explained a while back that my wife thought she might be perimenopauseal we have been to the doctors & they have prescribed the lowest dose of HRT, but after opening the box & reading the leaflet it has put my wife off taking them, because of the risks to all different cancers, blood clots & much more!

My wife is so frustrated in not feelings herself, no libido what so ever! Is there any natural alternative that can help hershe really wants sex but just doesn’t have that feeling & she is so frustrated! We are changing her foods to help but if anyone has any help that would really appreciated???:pray:t2:

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She must be feeling something because she is frustrated with it all. With no labido im assuming you wouldnt care or be bothered. I was with someone who couldnt take HRT for medical reasons. Tumbleweed… Nothing for 7 years. Not even a helping hand… We split up but not because of that it was many other reasons over a long time. Maybe a trip to Holland and Barett might help. The staff are quite well trained in advising. They are not just cashiers. Ask to chat to the manager or preferably a maturer female member of staff who may have experience and the scope to advise better (no offence to younger people, just obvious really)… Good luck and keep us posted

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My OH was on it for 20 years after a hysterectomy at a fairly young age (30’s), they took her off it about 5 years ago, and her life became so miserable both physically and mentally that she asked the doctor to put her back on it, telling him she knew the risks, but wanted her life back.
Maybe join your wife in doing some online research or via a menopause support group to find out the actual risks and benefits.

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@FD1 I feel both your pain mate my Mrs has been on the road to menopause for at least 2 years and the only I can suggest is time and a great deal of patience which I am sure you have in buckets everyone’s different so reaction and symptoms are always slightly different, so as others have suggested research and taking the GPS advice good luck . :+1:


Hey, I’ve got no advice really. I was put back on the pill to help with the hormones.
I can understand feeling frustrated about the sex - as you remember how hot stuff felt and then the same thing happens and you go - 'nah, not working today", or ‘youl’ll need that 250ml lube just to get through the door tonight’.

This whole peri/menopausal stuff can get stuffed I think.

Stay patient @FD1, as well as your partner.

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Yeah I’m totally supporting my wife, I’ve been doctors with her the GP was very surprised at how supportive I’ve been & that I’ve been doing as much research as possible to help me try to understand a little of what my wife is going through. Like I’ve said to my wife take what meditation you want to take she is putting it in her body, that’s why she wants to try something else rather than the HRT route. She just wants to feel herself again & that’s all me & the kids what for her. We have all noticed that something like this effects the whole family as everyday can be a different day for her, so we are just supporting her the best way we can​:+1:t2:

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@FD1 I know mate it’s really difficult my Mrs isn’t taking the HRT route it’s not easy but we take it a day at a time :+1: good luck mate we are here if we can help you both keep us upto date

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This book is a game changer and is so reassuring with current links to investigate and research.

Thank you for your reply, I can only find this as a tv documentary not a book? My wife has ordered Davina’s book menopauseing

That’s ok, thank you!

Not sure if any of the hormone creams would do anything to help?… but might be worth having a look into it


My wife found wearing kegel balls seemed to trigger a response. May not work for all but the health benefits mean there is no downside to giving them a try.

The warnings in the leaflets are seriously out of date, it’s an abaolute disgrace and typlical of the overall approach to Women’s Health. Investigate body identical HRT. It’s very low risk. Also, I would recommend her joining a FB group UK Ladies Menopause Support, it’s excellent and really supportive. A great source of info is The Menopause Doctor site, Balance which also has an app. Good luck, I’m on Oestrogen, Progesterone ans managed to get the the hold grail, Testosterone.

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Thank you for the advice, I will pass this on to my wife