If you found a phone with naked photos on it, what would you do with them?

My OH dropped his phone during the 30 second walk from his car to his flat 2 days ago. The phone has since been picked up by someone and after numerous unanswered phoned calls and ignored texts stating the owners flat number, the phone has not been returned.

The phone did however contain about 10-15 naked/underwear photos of myself, some taken by myself and sent to my OH, some taken during sex. There are at least 3 photos that show my face that I can recall, and all of the others show a very distinctive birth mark I have on my stomach. Needless to say, these photos are easily identifiable as being of me by anyone who knows me well enough.

So, honestly guys, if you found a phone with naked photos on, would you look and then leave them? Steal them for your own use? Sent them to friends? Or, what I am now terrified of, upload them to the internet?
Please don't lie to make me feel better, honestly, what would you do if it was you?

I would do nothing with them and try to get the phone back to the correct person.

This is why I cringe about people having photos of themelves and their partners on their phones. I have been at work with people who show their colleagues naked photos of their other halves. Same with people who leave their phones somewhere and end up with an opportunist finding their phone and winding them up about what they're going to do with photos of that person's OH. As for revenge porn, it's perfect when a relationship breaks down. Mass market revenge porn is becoming superfluous, but it's becoming more common for people to use a person's close friends and relatives for targetted revenge porn.

To answer your question. I wouldn't make any use of the phone or its content I wouldn't keep the phone for myself. I wouldn't even look through the phone book initially because the owner would probably call the phone to get it back.

The nastiest thing I'd do is give someone the run around if they started being agressive on the phone when I'm prepared to hand back the phone and tell them I'd drop the phone to them when it's convenient for me.

Does the phone not have a password or protection on? which would stop access to the stored items? Not very technical but thought they would have to wipe the phone to get full access. To be honest if the pictures were available and very sexy and exciting I would probably keep them for own use

delilahxx wrote:

I would do nothing with them and try to get the phone back to the correct person.

+1, I wouldn't even think to look at the pictures. I'd just ring numbers that were most frequently called, or Mum, or home and get it back to the person.

To be honest I would propably have a good look at any photo's and text, then try and get the phone back to the owner.

I wouldn't do anything at all with any nude photographs that I found, but then I am also not the kind of person who would keep someone else's phone.

Does the lost phone have any kind of GPS tracking device on it? It's worth contacting the phone company to find out if it can be located. If you are certain someone has picked it up and is intentionally ignoring your calls, then I would also report the phone as stolen to your local police station.

BDSM-curious wrote:

delilahxx wrote:

I would do nothing with them and try to get the phone back to the correct person.

+1, I wouldn't even think to look at the pictures. I'd just ring numbers that were most frequently called, or Mum, or home and get it back to the person.

+1, that's exactly what I would do. And it would feel kind of low to spy upon any unfortunate person who has lost it.

personally id call "mum" and wouldnt look through it. but this person hasnt tried to return th phone. they might have had a look through and seen your pictures, maybe kept them and shown their mates, or just cleared the phone of all content to sell it. its unlikely theyll use them maliciously because they dont know who you are

Lequetas wrote:

Does the phone not have a password or protection on? which would stop access to the stored items? Not very technical but thought they would have to wipe the phone to get full access. To be honest if the pictures were available and very sexy and exciting I would probably keep them for own use

And this is the reason I don't keep naughty pics on my phone!

call the company your phone is with and they will put a block on the device.

I am an honest person, if I found a phone, I wouldn't be looking through personal photographs. I would go through the numbers and find someone who i could call to return the phone to.

Hope the idiot who took it, comes to their senses

I wouldn't look at the photos at all. Would just look through the phonebook and search for "Mum", "Dad" and call them to pick the phone up, or just wait for the owner to call.

Being a phone I would give it to the police office as a lost object, but in case of usb sticks, flash cards or other supports ( maybe a phone if i wasn't a honest person ) I'm not sure. Honestly I suppose I would store them on my pc without repost them on the net or show them to anyone, except my lover. That's is what i do with pics that people send me. But I'm Enea, I bet Virginia would erase all.

We delete every compromising pics as soon as possible. If I'm not at home I backup it on google drive and instantly delete from my phone, at home I download all, delete it, and store it in an encrypted volume.

If it were me the most i'd do other than phone mum/dad/home is look at pics and social media just to find out who the phone's owner is it might be i know them and can return the phone if not anyone could come along and claim it's there's when it's not,

BDSM-curious wrote:

delilahxx wrote:

I would do nothing with them and try to get the phone back to the correct person.

+1, I wouldn't even think to look at the pictures. I'd just ring numbers that were most frequently called, or Mum, or home and get it back to the person.

+2 I would also try to get the phone back to the correct person asap

I think it depends on who finds your phone.

If its teenagers 13-21 they would probably upload the pictures to various sites. Then ditch the phone, some may just forget about it.

Most men and women would look for details to return the phone but as it's christmas they might not actually care about doing this asap.

I think you need to be prepared for seeing your photos appearing online as they person may or may not be trustworthy. As people may have also been drinking more with it being Christmas people do daft stuff while under the influence of drink too.

Me personally I would just call Mum or Dad on your phone, but then you better hope Mum or dad don't lok either ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

I wouldn't know there were any naughty pics on the phone as i wouldnt look for any.

I would look through the log or contacts and call 'home' or mom

Straight to the police station with it, just like if i found a wallet etc. I don't think i'd even attempt to turn it on/look for a number. You never know these days who it belongs to, or how they think they lost it/had it stolen. I wouldn't want to turn up to meet someone and be met with an angry accusation i nicked it/wanted "compensating" for finding it or giving it back, or being accused of damage, snooping through it etc.

Some phones can be traced yourself if you have set it up to do so - Iphones and Blackberry have this feature for sure.

If youre getting no presponse from whoever has it now, let your network operator know and they can have the phone wiped form their end - meaning it will never work again - so whoever has it now will get no further joy from it.

Really sorry this has happened to you but you can take something away from this and thats to set it up with a password.

If it was me, I'd pick up whoever calls it, establish the owner of the phone and get it back to them (have done so twice in the past and will always do so in the future).

Karma is only a bitch if you are!

Sorry to hear this has happened to you, it must be a really worrying situation.

This is just my opinion but I think you'd have to be really unlucky to have someone upload the pictures to the internet. They'd have to be a bit of a nasty, unscrupulous person for a start, but then practically they'd have to have the knowledge and inclination to copy them to their computer, find a site to upload them to, etc... I think it's unlikely to happen, but even if it did, you'd probably never know it - it would be unlikely to reach anyone you actually know unless the person was doing it maliciously. I'm not sure if that will help because maybe a lot of people would still feel bad about the possibility of it even if they were never aware it actually happened, but I know that personally I just ignore that there are pictures of me online because no one that I know personally has ever seen them, so as far as I'm concerned it's not an issue for me. Obviously the circumstances are a bit different because it wasn't stolen from a phone or anything like that though.

I hope it all works out ok for you though. Hopefully they'll just return it with no problems. I'd definitely try to return the phone if it were me, but if I'm really honest, I bet I'd probably be curious enough to have a guilty look at any photos on it and feel a bit bad if there were any rude ones. Best of luck with getting it back.