If your username is not your name...

If your username is not your real name, how did you come up with it...?

A cryptic reference to my job/calling

A friend always called me Tiger for many years. I can purr too so I just added the two together :o)

Easy I'm married to Brian lol the love of my life

I have no idea why i picked this name, its not one i have ever used before, it's not even one i like. I think i just didn't want anything that could make me recognisable to certain people and at first i didn't think i would post on the forum.

Obviously i post a bit so i wouldn't go and change the name now as it is what people know me as. So god knows why but hey I am LuckyLesbo and on here at least i always will be lol

I love my cats :-)

I love kinkey things and I love dressing up in uniform!! thats were my name comes from! but my first name was alwaysingle until I change it to this!! this helps my image better i hope!

just a stupid name that sounds really German

simple play on words......am a massive ac/dc fan - so Heatseeker became heatseekHER

Cat Lady wrote:

I love my cats :-)

snap! External Media I do love laying on the landing and hide my head behined the stair case post on the top of the stairs! then when the musky meows I do too! then he get surpised on! when he comes up the stair! and then start rubbing his face on my face and bang foreheads!! for 10min! External Media

Heatseekher wrote:

simple play on words......am a massive ac/dc fan - so Heatseeker became heatseekHER

thats a cleaver name!! I see this the other day! and took afew sec to pick up on it!! very good

AC-DC fan? saw em live 6 times ..just about the worst band I ever saw

well Gunther - perhaps if they tour again and you see them for the 7th time they'll be better?

only seen them once and sadly that was after Bon departed this world......still good enough for me though.

It's not my birthname, but it's the name I've come to identify with.

As for where the name comes from, Zaquiel was one of the leaders of the Grigori choir of angels that were cast out from heaven for daring to defy God's orders. Or as I like to put it, fell from grace for being true to themselves.

sweet came from an first gf witch she was and purple was her fav colour ( rip claire will all miss you xxx)

My first vibrator was this bright pink thing with white polka dots on from Ann Summers - thought it was appropriate seeing as we're on a sex toy forum ;)

sarah is my name but added tonin to creat sarah_tonin as a reference to serotinin... the bodies natural happy/sex drug!

Growing up there was to ppl called "Steven" (grrrrrrrri hate tht name) me and another one, he was bigger than me thus he was Big steve and i (being scottish and not saying little) became WeeSteve :)

Meh, mine isn't exciting. :/ I was thinking hard for days for what could be an awesome username on another forum that I frequent - one that was kinda kooky and cute; unusual; unique.

And then it suddenly came to me. :D I thought it was an awesome name, and I just reuse it now and again. :P

Ork wrote:

I would try and explain for the milionth time but no one know's waht an Ork is anyway lol!! At the time I had some Ork models... is the short and simple answer.

"Waagh!"? :P

the first words my husband said to me in the pub when we met x