
I suffer pretty badly with insomnia, its the version where I struggle to sleep and then staying asleep, I've tried most things with various success such as herbal sleeping tablets (I can't take the ones from the doctors due to thearpy), meditation, mindfulness,sleep hypnosis, playing before sleep, restful music etc. I have very little caffeine in my diet and I don't eat for at least two hours before sleep. sometimes these work but other nights like tonight they havent.
However, I was wondering if anyone had some extra tips or methods they use?
Sorry about the long winded post,

Try melatonin, it takes about a week to build up in your system but is very successful
With helping sleep deprived people. There is also lavender an essential oil which is also great for inducing sleep. Some people need a routine, try going to bed the same time every night, no food or drink a few hours before, give yourself a wind down period when you can tick off you to do list for the next day and get your worries off your chest. I live in the US so Idk if the pharmaceuticals in the UK are the same but a lot of psychiatric meds are good for sleep, seroquel and trazondone are also effective in aiding sleep (and they are not made for sleep, it has just been found to be a helpful side effect). I hope this helps! Above all make sure you are comfortable! If you need new pillows do it, try a mattress topper or even a new mattress. Many factors can lead into why you don't sleep. Make sure you are active during the day, if you aren't an active person I highly suggest beginning a work out regimen as being physically tired will help you surrender to sweet sweet sleep. Never try working out before bed though, it raises your metabolism which will boost your energy level for a few hours.
Good luck!

Most important one for me is turning off the computer and television at least an hour before I'd like to fall asleep. I fall asleep more readily and sleep better if I do. Screens send artificial light directly into your eyes, which both confuses and stimulates your brain. IMO, it's worth a try if you haven't already.

I always have to smile at the fb posts from friends who at 2 or 3am are saying they can't sleep. turn your phone off!

not saying that applies to you lil, as yours sounds more long term, but just an observation

Are you on any other medicines?

cut off all forms of caffine after 4pm, drink lots of water, don't nap in the day.

I suffer very badly with insomnia but it is a side effect of a disorder I have. I tend to take the odd diazapam but sometimes it doesn't work.

I have also be advised that if you can not sleep, then every 15 mins, get out of bed, do something relaxing and then get back into bed, keep repeating it. Our bodies end up adapting to not sleeping when we are in a bed, when you have insomnia, it is really annoying :(

Keep your bedroom tidy, messing room can keep your mind occupied. Don't have the tv on, as this keeps your mind awake.

hypnotherapy depending on your funds - it worked for me for about three years, could do with a top up now!

sorry just realized you have tried this already x

swimming before bed also helps me x

Thank you all for your responses I've been using some lavender body wash but I ran out so shall start using some of the massage oil that I've got :-) unfortunately I can't turn off the freezer in my room as its the only place to store it but everything else is off,
I have to run again as I'm in group but I shall look more in depth later just wanted to say thank you

Have you tried ASMR videos - I swear by them. Loads available on YouTube.

Click your [i-phone style] headphones into your laptop and off you go to sleep. Lovely and relaxing.

Good luck, insomnia is not nice x

lillithlibby wrote:

unfortunately I can't turn off the freezer in my room as its the only place to store it but everything else is off,

If an evil electrical noise machine like a freezer has to sleep in your room, can you try sleeping elsewhere? Just to see if it helps? Even the sofa might be better.

The beast could well be waking you up when it cycles on and off.

It could be, evil evil freezer. Tonight I'm hoping to combine the lavender oil, thick curtains and the sleep hypnotist tapes and sleep, I'm running on 2 hours and I'm exhausted been a very busy day.
Not sure why I can't sleep I'm not particularly stressed about anything anymore, its part of pcos which I've recently been diagnosed with but I've been like it for years sometimes I sleep for forever other nights I cant.
Thank you for the tip about getting up and moving I will try that from now on and check our the asmr videos on YouTube. Will work my way though all your other suggestions and hopefully between all of them I will get a good nights sleep, thank you very much :-):-)

hope it works for you pickle ! theres very few things worse than laying awake desperately trying to sleep , then your mind starts working overtime .

I also read an article ages ago that to help sleep if your struggling you should ONLY use your bed for sleep. So don't eat in it, play games,watch tv in it, read in it, etc etc. it's to associate your bed in your mind with sleep alone. Hard to do though (for me anyway I love my bed!) but if nothing is working could definitely be worth trying. And good luck chick xx

I hated living in a bedsit but was lucky enough to get a one bed flat just haven't gotten out of the habit of all activities in one room the only bonus to this is my living room stays lovely and tidy :-).
Thank you all so much for your advice and thoughts. Only just managed to catch five minutes as was making sure things are ready for later when sir comes, unfortunately I'm in that second wind mode where I'm beyond tiredness and I'm wide awake. Hopefully I will manage to grab a few hours later :-) xx

Hey a.a Im debating on either getting things finished now then going to sleep or going to sleep now and waking up early. :-) hot chocolate does sound really good though :-)

That's always true :-) I nabbed my mother's sandlewood body wash earlier as the bottle says its relaxing, it does seem to be working and smells super nice think I'm going go try to turn in for the night xxx enjoy your Friday everyone :-):-)xxx

I didn't say bedrooms, just the actual physical bed. My student accoms had a desk and chair. That'll do :) i think its like dont spend your days in bed. but you can be in your bedroom.. I don't personally have sleeping problems though and I do all those naughty things I listed haha coz beds are just so comfy! But if I did have sleeping worries then I would stop x

lillithlibby wrote:

I hated living in a bedsit but was lucky enough to get a one bed flat just haven't gotten out of the habit of all activities in one room the only bonus to this is my living room stays lovely and tidy :-).

Put the bloody freezer in the living room then. :-)

Watch this documentary:

If you're napping, stop that. And if you're not getting up at the same time no matter how little sleep you've had, stop that too. Doing those two thigns cured my insomnia.

Thanks Nathaniel I shall take a look at the video when I get home :-),
There isn't anywhere in the livingroom I can slot the freezer as its packed full of books and things and it has to be where it is or the place looks a mess and its horrible.
last night I stayed at my mothers and couldn't sleep because of the amount of people and clocks ticking so tonight there's not going to a problem, hopefully it will start to even out a bit.

My boyfriend said that before we lived together he would always struggle to fall asleep for hours and hours, but now he has someone to cuddle he falls asleep faster than I do :D