staying awake

i will apologise in advance to lh or if this thread been asked before. but who suffers with sleep loss after being on here? i talking about the things i seen and read or can a computer actually give you insomnia? just needed to ask!

Yes I have read that light given out by the TV or computer can cause people to have problems getting to sleep.

It has happened to me before sometimes.

It's recommended to turn off the TV/computer an hour or 2 before you want to get to sleep to avoid this.

well that will explain last night then. i turned off pc and hit me bed but jus could not go off! also had many things running through my head which im sure also contributed :-)

Yes, I think it's a product called 'blue light', given off by monitors, TVs and modern screens in general. They can prohibit the brain function involved with inducing sleep.

Doesn't make much difference to me atm, as my depression is on a low right now and my sleep patterns are all over the place.

Apparently, the only things you should do in bed is sleep and have sex.

OH is away tonight and I am currently on the bed in my PJs with the TV and computer on; guess I will have trouble sleeping later.

i guess you right ! tho depends on how long you on here for or watching the tele. if u got to give it an hr or so i no what i will be doing later!!! ;-)

Mmmm - LH only keeps me awake because I like to check deal of day and read what people have wrote on forums