Inspirational Thoughts/Quotes for the Day

The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That´s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying: You ain´t what you wanna be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain´t you! You´re better than that

"will you do my bum"

Mrs Kebert, shortly before handing me a dog hair remover

It's, not, how you start, it's how you finish,
And it's, not, where you're from, it's where you're at

Scar remind us where we've been... They do not have to dictate where we are going.

Saw this once and remember it in times of need :

Think of those that constantly hurt you as pieces of 'sandpaper'.

They may scratch and scrape, rub the wrong way and sometimes their roughness will bring bleeding - but in the end - they, like finished sandpaper, will be useless and you will be polished and have purpose.

Watch your thoughts, they become your words,
Watch you words, they become your actions,
Watch your actions, they become your habbits,
Watch your habbits, they become your character,
Watch your character it becomes your destiny...

Accept what you can't change - Change what you can't accept ....

I will not move, I will not change
I will not bend or play their games
I will stand tall with a full frame
I will take pride I will stake a claim

Life ain't about me myself and I but it is about being me myself and I!

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”

MrTools wrote:

Life ain't about me myself and I but it is about being me myself and I!

sounds very de la soul inspired :)

rubysoho wrote:

MrTools wrote:

Life ain't about me myself and I but it is about being me myself and I!

sounds very de la soul inspired :)

You got it Roobs..i'm 3 feet high and rising! ;)

MrTools wrote:

rubysoho wrote:

MrTools wrote:

Life ain't about me myself and I but it is about being me myself and I!

sounds very de la soul inspired :)

You got it Roobs..i'm 3 feet high and rising! ;)

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ! *twirls*

ps: that sounds rude ;)

rubysoho wrote:

MrTools wrote:

rubysoho wrote:

MrTools wrote:

Life ain't about me myself and I but it is about being me myself and I!

sounds very de la soul inspired :)

You got it Roobs..i'm 3 feet high and rising! ;)

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ! *twirls*

If it turns to 3 inch high and flopping you better flash that twirl up a bit! Hahaha

"You've heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap? There's an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind."

WOW - Just received this on an e-mail - quite long - but I had to post it :) xx

Happiness is:
1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at the supermarket.
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favourite song on the radio.
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Chocolate milkshake ... (or vanilla ... or strawberry!)
12. A bubble bath.
13. Giggling.
14. A good conversation.
15. The beach
16. Finding a 20-pound note in your coat from last winter.
17. Laughing at yourself.
18. Eye contact with a hot member of the opposite sex.
19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
20. Running through sprinklers.
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful
23. Laughing at an inside joke.
24. Friends.
25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
27. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
28. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
29. Playing with a new puppy.
30. Having someone play with your hair.
31. Sweet dreams.
32. Hot chocolate.
33. Road trips with friends.
34. Swinging on swings.
35. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
36. Making chocolate chip cookies (and eating them...!).
37. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
38. Holding hands with someone you care about.
39. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
40. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
41. Watching the sunrise.
42. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
43. Knowing that somebody misses you.
44. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
45. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.

"Warning vehicle reversing" - Bin Lorry

on a more serious note.

"why hold onto the past when you can reach for the future" - WeeSteve.

Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory....

"True happiness is singing at the top of your lungs in your car while the people in the car next to you are staring"