Is anal sex safe while pregnant?

Hi everyone :) hope you're having a lovely evening.

Does anyone know if anal sex if safe while pregnant? Now I did have a look online for the answer first, but found everyone saying different stuff, some saying that it's perfectly safe but some also saying it's dangerous to the baby.

I don't really want to ask my midwife as I would be embarrassed, plus she comes to my house where my family are.

thanks for any help and have a great evening :)

Baby's well protected in there, maybe don't hammer it but it's totally safe, safer than vaginal sex

I've found the same varying opinion on danger with vaginal sex, I would imagine it'd be fine and your body would let you know if it was too much? :)

Again with vaginal don't be too rough, not gonna hurt the baby but might cause discomfort, especially late when the man can feel the head. And use protection, some infections can be really bad for the baby

The truth is no one knows. Testing anything on pregnant women and their unborn child is a massive grey area of ethics.
My personal opinion is if you're unsure, don't do it. A pregnancy is a precious and delicate thing - why do anything to jeopardise it.

It's safe :-) although if you are a neg blood type they may warn you to becareful with all sex and impacting around the stomach area.l, just incase you cause unseen bleedin. This isn't to say stop, just don't be too rough, and if you do feel you've gone too rough you cancan an injection within 72 hours, to prevent the babies blood mixing with yours and causing poss antibodies which will make pregnancies in the future harder.
Also some high risk pregnancies you may have to be more gentle too.

I'm pregnant with neg blood type and ask docs etc a lot of sex questions, and most things are OK. I even had double penetration during pregnancy and been ok.

If anything spanking is something to be careful with during pregnancy. Not just being impacted, but also giving them from the second trimester, you need to becareful when twisting into a swing as it can pull muscles within the stomach causing pain and cramp.

Thanks ever much everyone, :) you've all been really helpful and have good points.

Yes I'm in my second trimester (21 weeks) sorry should of said that. X

My wife and I had regular anal sex during both her pregnancies and everything was fine. In fact, for various medical reasons, we didn't have vaginal sex at all during either pregnancy. I can't see there being a problem.

SS I must admit that's pretty much what I was thinking.

But wondered if I was just worrying over nothing.

I had anal while pregnant ut didn't harm my baby

As long as you don't have extremely rough sex or contort yourself into difficult positions, both anal and vaginal sex are perfectly safe during pregnancy. Anal sex should be avoided in the final months of your pregnancy for comfort reasons: as the baby becomes larger, the pressure on your anal glands increases (which is why many pregnant women suffer from haemorrhoids) and adding to that pressure isn't advisable. At this stage in pregnancy however, as long as you aren't suffering from any problems in that area, it should be fine.

As a society, we tend to catastrophise pregnancy more than is necessary. Someone mentioned that is a precious and delicate thing - precious certainly, but delicate, not so much. Your body is designed for pregnancy and complications in healthy individuals are extremely rare. The most dangerous part of pregnancy is childbirth itself and, thanks to the advances we've made in both technology and pain management, modern childbirth mortality rates are very, very low.