Issue withdrawn

Issue withdrawn- just a glitch on the web site and me getting annoyed - sorry …

Hey :blush:

Think you’d probably be better asking customer care who work for LH and can give you a proper answer rather than us on the forum trying to guess.

Good luck! :+1:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

They must be looking at it as I cant add it to the basket

If customer services can’t help, pop it into the Lovehoney Glitches thread.

Whats up u ok

It’s a glitch on web site and wanted to buy last night but when checked out the price went from £25 to 49.99- tried to speak to someone but none and then raised an issue - still waiting for answer

Item is

You can see it says £25 but as you choose size they are all 49.99

Unfortunately i’d say its probably more likely that £25.00 is the incorrect price.

It probably is - but I found same item at £34.95 on other website

Yes clesrly 25 pounds thanks for the heads up lpoks stunning by the way