Keeping fit

I’ve thrown myself into voluntary work which is pastorally based so it keeps me in touch with other people (albeit remotely).

We are in an area with increased restrictions - I’m missing my friends as there is no contact between households, and outside of school the kids can’t see their friends either. It has made us do more as a family.

When schools were closed I watched a film / documentary with the older ones each afternoon which led to some good discussions - I think we are all closer as a result of lockdown, which helps to combat some of the stresses.

Just realised nothing I have written is about keeping fit! Mentally, maybe… I’m not known for my commitment to exercise!


That’s a very good idea, there are loads of fascinating documentaries on a number of Freeview channels. I’ve started watching some on Smithsonian and PBS America.


Thanks for the tip!

:joy: love the description

:joy::joy: one of my cycling friends is very well endowed and can simply pop it out of a leg, most of us have to try the over the crunch…


We’ve tried desperately to be good at this, both of us work from home, and both of our jobs keep us literally fixed to a computer at a desk all day, sometimes my OH works late and he is busy at that damn laptop for hours.

We’ve tried to get into a routine of a 10 minute HIT workout every day, and then walks on the weekend, but sometimes after working late or a long day it’s easy to slip to the fridge for a glass of wine and forget all about it.

We try to remind and encourage each other and that’s been a pretty positive thing for us.

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Would love to have seen that toned, tanned, glistening body getting hot while chopping wood.
I can imagine it now - denim hot pants, pair of fishnets and some cute boots :boot:


Gotta love new photoshoot ideas


No matter what I like to take 30-45mins a day to get hot & sweaty​:smiley: I do my workouts at home & after every morning workout I feel set up for the day, also I love a good walk in the fresh air, anything is good as long as your moving :smiley:


I have a very active job, bit also walk the dog and sort rest and of the animals out… And keep up with the kid running about all day :sleeping:

Took up running.

Wasn’t particularly overweight or unhealthy but decided i could be healthier and fitter.

Went from zero exercise to running 4 to 6 times a week. Anywhere from just over a mile, now up to 4-5 mile without dying.


Great work @HanoiRocks. We’ll done.
I to took up running about 18 months ago after getting fed up of maintaining my road bicycle. I really enjoy it and now regularly run half marathon distance. :+1:t2:


Lately, I’ve been alternating between an arm/back workout and an upper leg/butt workout that I found on youtube. I really like MadFit and Pamela Reif’s workout videos that you can do at home without equipment :muscle:

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Air dyne bike, jump rope, and yoga. Can’t say enough about the benefits.

I’ve always dipped in and out of running but since the original lockdown i have ramped it up and got more serious and consistent. Started doing some weights and progressively made them heavier and added new moves.
Slow but sustained weight loss - muscle gain cancels out some fat loss in the scales.
Better body confidence.
Increased sex drive and performance.
Better looking torso, ass and arms.


I’ve been trying to keep the lockdown weight off by going for walks/runs but also doing home work outs too. I normally decide to do them at stupid o’clock which means I normally can’t get to sleep :sleeping:

I’m still doing home workouts and weight is pretty stable. The NHS BMI calculator says at the higher end of the healthy range but hopefully that’s the larger muscles. :joy:


Found another youtube channel with some good at home/no equipment workout videos - Rocamoon :muscle::sweat_smile: Love the booty roaster and ab routines :peach:


Naked swim for a little over an hour today


I love naked swimming. I always search out naturist beaches or secluded coves whilst on holiday in Greece and incorporate a bit of skinny dipping into my daily early morning walk. Lying naked in the sunshine to dry off is very pleasurable. It’s a little cold for me in the UK for naked swimming so to keep fit I run several times a week.
Where do you do your swimming @Melody1 indoors or out. :man_swimming: