Laser hair removal?

Hi I'm considering laser hair removal to my top lip, under arms, bikini line, and legs.

Has anyone had this done? I can budget for the cost as treatment would be between 6-8 week apart. I understand how it works, using consent rated light to superheat the pigment in the hairs. This is suppose to denature the proteins in the folical killing the hair, and stopping it from regrowing. I have had a patch test done, and it is a reputable company, with several branches around the country.

I have a couple of questions based on people's experiences.

1. If you permanently remove the hair from under your arms will you sweat more?

2. If you have your bikini line done does it itch to wear underwear afterwards ( the following couple of days) ?

3. Is it really as effective as it is made out to be?

Hi I have a lot of problems with excess hair particularly on my face (sadly for a 21yo it's not great ) I have been saving for laser treatment for a long time hopefully one day I'll get there. I have tried many other methods including waxing shaving bleach hair removal cream and also IPL. IPL is similar to laser hair removal but is not as strong and you can get it done in salons. From my experience of that I can help you or a little with your questions.

Your underarms if you shave them regularly anyway it will be the same amount of sweat. Hair doesn't reduce sweat it just catches it.

Depending on how sensitive your skin is depends on how you react to it they will do a skin sensitivity test before hand :)

Everyone I know who has had it done has had good experiences. Maybe someone on the forum can give you better help but I hope yhis reassures you :) let us know how you get on

I bought a Philips one that you use at home and I've done 5 treatments so far (you use it every 2 weeks) and I'm already seeing a significant difference and I'm very hopefull that I'll get good results as I continue to use it. I'm convinced that if it works for me it'll work for anyone. I haven't had any trouble with itching or other reactions, it's pain free and I love how my skin isn't an itchy painful mess like it was with waxing. I bought mine online and although it is expensive, I think it's worth it and I like being able to do it at home instead of booking and budgeting for appointments.

I have done an initial set of treatments (6 I think they were) with IPL aiming it to underarms, genitalia (and belly) and legs (from knee down). I am very fair haired and knew it might not work, but have hoped it would at least in my underarm and genitalia area as there it is a little darker. It did absolutely nothing for me hair wise.

I am used to shaving those two areas every day (doing it for almost 15 years now) so I do not get any itching anymore and although I have very sensitive fair skin, I never had itching or any kind of problems after the treatments. I must also say that I feared the sensations (pain) would be much worse, I didn't find them to be uncomfortable really (I think waxing would be more painful and I epilate). The only nuisance I had with the treatment is the fact that you need to go to your appointments with a visible hair regrowth, and I stupidly chose summer to do it so for most of summer I had hairy legs :/!

I agree what bambi has written about the sweating generally. And I too have friends who have done IPL or laser and they are very satisfied with the results. I so wish there would be an effective treatment available for fair haired people too, I'd jump to do it!!!

I had the Phillips home laser system too, and I was focusing on my face, lower stomach and legs. I was the perfect candidate for laser hair treatment (dark hair pale skin) and I'd tried all the usual methods but was so frustrated with feeling like it was a constant battle, it was getting me down and I wanted a more permanent solution. It was a big cost for me but I thought it'd be worth it.

Anyway, a long story short, I used the laser at full power weekly for little over a year, particularly focusing on problem areas. It did very little for me, perhaps there was a slight reduction in hair but nothing noticeable to anyone else. The other thing to bear in mind is it hurts! Particularly if the hair is very dark. Finally, although the companies tell you 6-8 treatmesnts, it can take a lot more to get the results you have in mind. I have a friend who got into debt because they had budgeted for the first lot, but we're far from hair-free at the end of it so tried to keep paying for more treatments. Although it was more successful for them than me, she still shaves today to get the smoothness she was after.

For me, I went the opposite direction, embraced my body hair as part of me and stopped battling with it (I only do my upper lip and tidy up eyebrows now). I must say, I'm a lot happier for it!

Jezebella wrote:

Anyway, a long story short, I used the laser at full power weekly for little over a year, particularly focusing on problem areas. It did very little for me, perhaps there was a slight reduction in hair but nothing noticeable to anyone else. The other thing to bear in mind is it hurts! Particularly if the hair is very dark. Finally, although the companies tell you 6-8 treatmesnts, it can take a lot more to get the results you have in mind. I have a friend who got into debt because they had budgeted for the first lot, but we're far from hair-free at the end of it so tried to keep paying for more treatments.

That's a shame it didn't work for you. I use it on the highest setting and I don't feel any discomfort. That was why I opted to buy one instead of going to a salon. I'd rather spend more upfront and know that's all I need to pay.

Thanks for your advice and information.

I have had the patch test yesterday. It didn't hurt. I should be a good candidate as my hair is dark. I would really like my under arms and bikini line to be hair free. My top lip may take longer, and I'm not sure about this. My legs are hit or miss, I will leave it on my legs after the initial treatments, weather or not it works.

The salon laser treatments are more powerful than home kits. The top lip is done with a fine cooling head on the laser, and the other areas are done with a larger head that has a sort of suction to it. It felt like the skin was being pulled a bit like on rubber, and there was a slight twist sensation. There was no pain.

I hope it works,and I think the hardest thing will be shaving and not epilating as I normally do. My first appointment is at the very end of the month so we will see how things go.

I had a course of IPL, but although I was considered an ideal candidate, it didn't work.

If you go to a good salon, they should be able to offer you a different type of laser if it doesn't work for you. Nd-Yag laser worked better for me, but the hair has come back after 3 years. It was also considerably more painful than IPL.

I am aware that laser treatment is an ongoing thing, but I can no longer afford repeat sessions, so all the money I spent in the first place was a waste.

I hope you're luckier tham me, but two things to remember: don't flog a dead horse - if IPL isn't working, move on to a different laser. Also, laser is a long-term commitment (though if you're lucky, you may get away with fairly irregular top-ups).

Take some painkillers before you go. A patch test is one thing, sitting there having it done for 20 minutes plus, in more sensitive places is another. You can also get numbing creams from the chemist, but you should find out first if using it would affect the skin or outcome. Don't pluck or epilate after treatment either. It apparently distorts the follicle which makes it harder for the laser to kill it.

Get some aloe vera to put on after treatment, and use a high spf EVERY DAY or any exposed skin could become pigmented. I was told mineral makeup would be best as it doesn't upset the skin, provides a physical spf and won't upset the skin. If you dislike powder, mix it with your normal moisturiser. I don't think this alone wil be enough spf, though. I timed my sessions over winter to minimise the risk of pigmentation problems (plus the paler the skin, the better the contrast for the laser).

Hope that makes sense. I'm beyond tired, jammed full of painkillers, but can't sleep. Aargh! Good luck. Hope it works well for you.