latex and rubber.

hi me and my wife have just joined and would be greatful of sum help.

my wife realy likes the smell of rubber and latex so do you have any help?

as she only have sum latex gloves and thay dont smell. i dont want to get her sum thing thats to over the top?

theres some advice here

theres a search box at the top which will come up with more interesting things if you need other ones

I have good news I have been told by LoveHoney herself that in May they will be launching a range of liqud latex and dont worry bushigs there is lots off fun for u both with this stuff and its as OTT as u want

thanks for the links. tried the liqud latex not realy the thing we are looking for but thanks any way.

ok though i would just pass on the info

I like the look of its clingyness but I don't like shiny. I did dream last night I was wearing a catsuit type thing....I looked good, but it was just a dream :S

keep on dreaming puppies and tell us all about it please

Perhaps leatherette (matt PVC) would suit puppies77 more?