LH offers- cut off dates?

Anyone know if it says anywhere on the LH website the cut off date for certain offers? I know the 3 for £10 offers and £50 and £75 offers have been on the site for while. But what about the 60% sale and the 2'for £20'on body stockings and mini dresses when do they end ? Anyone know ? Thanks

, the 2 for £20 bodystocking offer has been running for ages. As for the 60% off I'm not sure, maybe ask livechat? ❤xx

True didn't think about live chat ha thanks

Haha 😃 no worries will you let me know when the upto 60% off ends please? Cheers hunni ❤xx

Hi ladies!

Although when we create an offer we do plan an "end date", this date is never fixed due to a number of factors; the main one being stock levels. 

If a product which we've put on offer sells faster than we anticipated, we may well end the offer early. This goes the same for if an offer isn't working very well - we may change the existing deal to something better / more attractive :) 

If there's a particular offer you're interested in knowing the planned end date for, you're welcome to contact customer care, but please bare in mind that these dates aren't guaranteed. 


Thanks for clarifying. Although got an email today saying the 60% off sale ends tomorrow (Tuesday) at midnight if that's helpful to anyone. Would be helpful if we got emailed the same information about other offers if/when the people at LH know how popular the offer is!

honeybun91 wrote:

Thanks for clarifying. Although got an email today saying the 60% off sale ends tomorrow (Tuesday) at midnight if that's helpful to anyone. Would be helpful if we got emailed the same information about other offers if/when the people at LH know how popular the offer is!

Would be good to get these emails too... Happy to say I now get the dotd emails but heads up on sales is what I need. I check by every day and look at offers but that doesn't tell me when a sale is gonna finish :(

Email said should end today but this was still showing available when I looked if any help