LH reading list!

I first started with the Fifty Shades trilogy, couldn't get enough of it and it wasn't long until I discovered my next fix...

Sylvia Day's Crossfire series *swoon*. NEED CAPTIVATED BY YOU SO BADLY!!!!

Sadie Matthews After Dark series *swoon again* - also need to get my mitts on the Seasons series as well now.

I have read some of Beth Kery's books and have enjoyed them, the same with Portia Da Costa. I also need to read J. Kenner's Stark and Most Wanted series'. Read the first Stark book ages but need to read it again and follow up immediately after with the next two books.

I am currently in the process of finishing the This Man series by Jodi Ellen Maplas which I'm absolutely LOVING! On the last book now. Then I'll be getting her One Night series.

There is SOOOOOO much more I want to read aswell!

As you can probably tell I have a thing about series's, I just never want these novels to end :P

Thank you everyone! I have a list written here of many different stories that i must collect! and the erotic web pages :) Im so excited... I do love a good book!!!

I really liked the Crossfire series though I haven't read the last one yet and also Sophie Morgan's two books, diary of a submissive and no ordinary love story. I also like random books that are made up of collections of short erotic stories, kindles pretty good for finding those sorts of books. :)