Liquid Silk on Fleshlight

Thanks for your idea about how to close the pump without wasting any lube - sure it's a bit of a faff but it's far less messier than what I was doing before and lube wastage is now down to an absolute minimum - I was probably wasting a whole pumpful before!

So have you been using Liquid Silk with your Fleshlight - any noticeable issues? Which lube would you guys suggest that feels as good as Liquid Silk but without the possibility of ruining a £50+ purchase? Still, 2% silicone - that's not much.

I wouldn't say its dishonest. Liquid Silk is safe for use with sex-toys. High Quality Silicone (so anything by Lelo, Fun Factory, Tantus to name a few), Glass, metal, aluminium....

It's more an oversight on LHs part, and if you just politely tell them either by emailing customer service (or mentioning it in the Typo thread) - they can update the listing.

Whilst it means your stuck with a bottle of lube you will not be able to use with your Fleshlight (although personally - it's such a small amount of silicone that I really don't think it will do any damage, especially if you clean/dry it thoroughly and use the renewal powder/corn starch to keep it in good condition) - it will stop anyone else making a mistake - and given the reputation LH have built for themselves, this wouldn't have been done on purpose to con people. It's just a mistake, and everyone makes mistakes!

Well this thread has now frightened me into not using half my toys, so the not wanting to scaremonger hasn't worked.....

@S&A, no, I didn't use it. I have some glass anal toys and my Lovehoney Discover is starting to run out, so maybe I'll use it for that. I'm also staying optimistic about finding a kinky girlfriend sometime soon, so maybe it'll get used then! :)

@David, I did mention it to them, both here and to the customer service representative I talked to during the Live Chat.

@VirginAngel, I never said I didn't want to scaremonger :P
But seriously, if that half of toys is of a jelly material and you insert them anywhere, I'd recommend throwing them out. The rule I keep hearing is "if your toy smells, it stinks", meaning that if it has that rubbery chemical smell when it comes out of the package and it never really goes away, then it's no good. Jelly plastic is porous, meaning it can't be completely cleaned and it easily harbors bacteria, plus it may contain phtalates (which is a proven to be harmful and a carcinogen) and if it doesn't contain phtalates, it contains chemicals that replace it which have even fewer studies on their health effects and regulations on their use, because politicians don't want to touch this issue. Half of the regulations we have now on plastic and rubber are only in effect because of persistently complaining mothers about baby chew toys.
I really am sorry if I took your appetite away from some of your toys, but these things are good to know.