Long Distance Relationship

I shall attempt skyping! Though I'm very awkward, might take a few times to get over that!

MaloSiempre wrote:

I shall attempt skyping! Though I'm very awkward, might take a few times to get over that!

The first person I ever spoke to online was my OH. I can completely sympathise with you on the awkwardness but you really do overcome it once you get used to it. Even till this day, I've not talked to anyone online aside from my partner and it feels so natural. I still remember how I literally used to speak, then click on the "on mic" button and speak again just so I wouldn't sound too weird lol!

As for phonesex- lol, that was VERY awkward when we first started. I was really quite innocent back then and I still remember how he struggled to use dirty words with me because of my "innocence". We look back on it and laugh though. We've become so comfortable with eachother- that we can laugh at anything and everything.

I also have made a private group on FB just for us. I literally just upload anything and everything that comes to mind so he can read it whenever. This includes random photos of stuff I've been cooking or anything that's going on. I find it much more interactive than emails/messages. And since you can comment on the inidvidual posts/topics it's really handy.

Sexyboots wrote:

We have just been talking about this thread and have decided relationships take work and if they are good and work they can survie some separation.

Yep... distance makes the heart grow fonder. Even though I was in a ldr years ago and I struggled... I still find it hard when OH goes away for work (2 weeks max) ... I try not to whine too much but when its been a bad day i like to talk about it lots. Being in a LDR has made me appreciate my current relationship and having him around all the time.

Lovehoney - Nicole wrote:

The perfect long distance relationship sex toy: http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=24763

I beg to differ the perfect long distance sex toy is your OHs mind