Long period?

I know it isn't uncommon but have any of you ladies ever had a period that lasted longer than 5 days? Like if it's something that's happed a few times to you when it didn't used to before? My period last month lasted 9 days and so far this one is lasting 7 days. I don't really know why it's happening and it's just a bit odd for me

My last 1 was 7 days ... n I was ill :(

Well my last period was 25 yrs ago because of a forced hysterectomy. But I was known to have a period lasting 7 days at times, usually they only lasted 3 maybe 4 days. It's all quite normal! Hated them and I don't miss them!!!

My wife has sometimes very long and heavy monthlys and she went to see the lady GP . She was told that she is entering the slowly premenopausal stage.

I would say you are probably a lot younger so I very much doubt that would be your case but if its casuing your concern I would visit your local Lady GP .

I'm on the implant and had one lasting three weeks when I first had it put in. Now I haven't had one for 2 months. It could be a hormone thing if you're on any kind of hormonal contraception.

Before my implant when i wasn't taking the pill my periods were all over the place, they could last from 5-9 days and be anywher from 2-6 weeks apart but were alays heavy. I tried the pill but found if i didn't take it at exactly the same time every day that one delayed pill, even just 4 hours late, i'd start to bleed and would do so until i stopped the pill and had a full period. I then went into a settled routine of 26 day cycles about 5 days of heavy bleeding but had the occasional 3 day lighter bleed, and my doc told me no 2 periods are the same, each month you can have a thicker or thinner buildup of lining and it can break dow faster or slower, so some variation is totally normal, but if you're worried, it's always worth talking to your own GP.

My story definitely won't be what you're wanting to hear, but it's unlikely this is the case for you too.

My periods have always been like clockwork, lasting 3 days max. The only time I've ever had a long period was when I was on hormonal contraception, and the first time I fell pregnant. When I was pregnant my period lasted nearly 2 weeks, and I'd phoned the GP several times and taken pregnancy tests, which were negative. They kept telling me it's just an odd cycle and nothing to worry about (never ran any tests), it was only when I went to hospital a while later (after the bleeding re started with lots of pain) that they ran some bloods and found I had been pregnant the whole time (7-8 weeks) and was currently miscarrying. As you know I'm pregnant again, and I didn't experience any bleeding or spotting this time round.

As I said, this is unlikely to be the case for you (especially if the same happened to you last month) but if your cycles are changing there could be an underlying medical reason and it might be an idea just to get checked out :)

When I had periods, every one I had lasted at least 2 weeks! If it's odd for you to last this long I'd agree with everybody else to get checked :)

My norm would be 7-8 days. If I get anything shorter it's a bonus that month haha! But if it's not normal for you then speak to your GP. :)

Mine varies enormously since having a new implant put in a couple of years ago. The shortest it ever is now is 5-6 days, and the longest can be anything up to a month + (Yay!) 

Don't panic, but do go see your GP if this is unusual for your body. 

In the mean time, drink plenty of water to keep hydrated :)

Oh my, I feel sorry for some of you. Sending hugs to anybody suffering xx

8 days was the norm for me - bang on every 28 days. And ALWAYS over Christmas and holidays! 5 days was normal when I was on the Pill.

I was under a huge amount of stress at one point in my life and honestly couldn't think of coping with any extra pain, mess or mood so I took my Pill (a tri-phasic one) for a year without a break. I just kept taking them (didn't tell the doc at the time but mentioned it to the lovely doc at the GUM clinic and she said it wouldn't have harmed me). The relief was enormous.

I'm on the change now so I feel like my body wants one (spots - arrgh, at my age, PMS, oh and lovely retention cysts on my undercarriage), but I'm so unpredictible when they actually do arrive over the last year. I'm very frustrated, very horny and a bit tearful. Sigh.

My last period nearly had me heading to A&E it was so heavy, but just as I'd decided I'd go in the morning, it slowed up.

41 days has been my longest.

I wish I'd had the hysterectomy offered several years ago now.

We're strange creatures, at the mercy of our hormones. I went through cycles of different types of periods, though I think this is quite normal.

Hope yours settle down soon.

When my periods started lasting 10-12 days with heavy bleeding it turned out to be fibroids. If this isn't normal for you a trip to the doctors might be advisable just to check that everythings ok x

Mine are 7 days anyway, but I've never had one longer than it should be. I had a weird period once that lasted a week, then a week off, then a week back on, and I went to a sexual health clinic, but it seemed fine. Definitely go to a GP or something to check out anything abnormal. It's better to be safe than sorry! :)


Mine normally are just 3, max 4 days, but few months back I had one lasting 7 or 8 days. The difference was that the bleeding was not as heavy, as I do have sometimes heavy short period. I think the one few months ago was that I was under lot of stress and my period was running very late (14 days) and then was abnormal. Since it was one off, I put it on the stress and the fact my periods are abnormal and been since they started if I am too stressed. But then I am used to it, since I am not a woman with regular ones.

If you are worried about it, definitely see the GP. I could be just something temporary, or could mean something.

Mine was about 12/13 days, it was horrendous. I visited the Doctors and he said it was highly likely it was actually a miscarriage, as it was so so painful and heavy. It was SO unexpected, and I just thought it was a regular period. After the 5th day of heavy heavy bleeding thats when I went to see doc. Still haunts me today.

do go and get it looked at, it could be nothing but could be something else going on!

sugarboobies2232 wrote:

Mine was about 12/13 days, it was horrendous. I visited the Doctors and he said it was highly likely it was actually a miscarriage, as it was so so painful and heavy. It was SO unexpected, and I just thought it was a regular period. After the 5th day of heavy heavy bleeding thats when I went to see doc. Still haunts me today.

do go and get it looked at, it could be nothing but could be something else going on!

oh that's awful :( at least you got it checked out x