Lost my butt plug?!

I am petrified! I went searching for my butt plug tonight in the backpack where I always put it and it wasn’t there! My dildo and lube were there but the plug wasn’t :sob: I searched all over my closet and no sign of it! I’m absolutely terrified that I may have left it in my bathroom after I cleaned it? I have no idea but I live with my parents so this can’t be good. I’m moving in two months so all I know is I better find it ASAP!! I’m a 20 yr old girl so I wouldn’t be as petrified if it was a vibrator or something but a butt plug is a little extreme for my parents to find in my opinion :sweat_smile:
Lovehoney Jewelled Silicone Butt Plug 3 Inch - Lovehoney US
This is the one I can’t find :sweat_smile:


I am sure that they might be shocked, but perhaps they aren’t as naive as you think. Ypu are 20 and I am sure that although you might still be ‘there little girl’ they probably suspect by now that you aren’t completely innocent, they just don’t want to know.

If it is in there it will still be in there untouched. Just be more careful. :wink::joy:


When I first read your post I was worried that you meant you lost your butt plug while using it… :joy:


I was gonna say that it would be less embarrassing but no, it wouldn’t :sweat_smile::rofl:


Hope you find it @arislut !
I enjoy some butt plug time when I am alone and always end up doing double and tripple checks to make sure I have put everything away so there can be no accidental ‘finds’


Thanks, I hope so too! I just truly remember putting it back. Well, I guess I will be doing a deep clean of my room today lol

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Aslong as you’ve searched top to bottom (pun heh…) there’s not much else you can do

Much like the time my mother pretty much caught me wanking when I lived at home. The moment happened, and nothing was ever said after. There’s a chance one of your parents could have found it and just thrown it away and deleted it from their memory


After an intense night of toys with Sexterminatrix, I find things we’ve forgotten to put away the next morning. We live by ourselves but we have many visitors, so it’s always unsettling, wondering if you’ve left evidence about.

We completely lost the remote to a strapon dildo recently; luckily I found it the next morning before we had company. :slight_smile:


Hi @arislut and welcome to the forum!

I get it’s not the item you want to have lost somewhere around your parents house. I’m assuming when you went to check the bathroom once you realised it was missing, that it wasn’t there? I don’t think your parents would have thrown it out without mentioning something so I suspect it’s somewhere else.

Try not to panic and I hope it turns up safe and sound soon and has just dropped into the lining of you bag or behind something in your closet. If it hasn’t appeared before, it probably will when you’re packing all your stuff up to move. Good luck in the hunt!


Hi @arislut and welcome to the forum. I feel your pain!! My family found a dildo in my bed and they took great delight in making sure i knew they had found it. Hopefully it shows up soon for you but if they say nothing dont bring it up either


I remember clearly living at home, when my niece went rummaging under my bed, after she dropped something (can’t remember what now). She then proceeded to pull out a stash of porn magazines, what even more embarrassing was my mother was there at the time. Mortified doesn’t even come close, as Razzle, Fiesta and various other varieties came into view.

It was never mentioned again and I suspect this is a similar situation.


Did you check it wasn’t still up your bum?! :sweat_smile::joy:

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I genuinely thought this post was going to be asking what kitchen utensils to use to get it out your bum haha: chances are you will find It in the bathroom or a drawer somewhere!


Thought this was going in a different direction :hospital: better that it didn’t tbf. Hopefully your parents haven’t put it in their drawers thinking it was theirs :rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Your mom has probably found it, washed it and put it in your room. That’s what moms do. :joy::joy:


Id brass it…" Right , who moved my butt plug.?..you cant leave anything down in this house. Im sick of it."


It would be funny if it is now getting used as a paper weight in your Dad’s office.
I could just see the looks on peoples faces.


Was the plug found? Intrigued on the story of where it could have gone :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Nope, not yet but work is getting done in my house so I’m nervous :rofl:

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