lovehoney customer care are ridulously quick!!!

They are just awesome aren't they!! Yay for amazing staff!!

Binxx wrote:

They are just awesome aren't they!! Yay for amazing staff!!

Binxx wrote:

They are just awesome aren't they!! Yay for amazing staff!!


I won't shop anywhere else and have got loads of friends to convert to Lovehoney. Love this place and it's why I continue to part with my money!

gona start converting the perverts i know. Theyll think they have gone to heaven

Don't shop anywhere else for toys! Can't get better then Lovehoney!

Aw you guys are so sweet.![smiley|20x20](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif "smiley")

Sharing this with the team now!

The Lovehoney girls are all so pretty too :)

If that's a bad thing to say, feel free to give me a spanking.