Lying Wife

Asked my wife before Christmas about her getting some Stockings, we have had them before and enjoyed having them, asking again this year she was up for it and said the order is placed, I’m now in a position of her denial and abuse what do I do

Can you explain a bit more? Denying she had placed the order? Denying she said she would?

Same as Mrs.John, don’t fully understand the question

When you say you are in a position of her denial and abuse are you saying this has happened before and she is gaslighting? Is it possible that she could be planning a surprise for you and that you shouldn't have seen the order or the stockings as she has a plan for a cheeky night at some point and last night wasn't the plan?

hi, I'm not sure what you really mean ?

abusing you physically ? If so you need to get some help

denying you of sex ? The stockings? Does she think you want to be teased..May be she's a little insecure but doesn't want to upset you.

there could be lots of reasons why. Without more info it's a bit hard to help. Id also suggest trying to talk to her. It's all well and good us guessing why, but unless you speak to her your not going to know