Male Perspective on Cellulite

I well remember seeing a photo of Mrs G just after we started living together, it was a shock how plump she was, to me (at the time) she looked great and for the hand sensors had all the right curves in all the right places, the ideal models size 8 feels like a bag of bones to this geriatric

It's really not a big deal.

It is nice to read a thread like this. I am chubby with lots of cellulite, stretch marks and 'wobbly bits'. I do not like to look at myself because all I see are the imperfections. My oh says that I am beautiful and that he finds me attractive but I dont see / feel it.

My way of thinking is: When he looks at porn, he never looks at the 'fat porn' or 'plus size girls'. Its always the young, skinny girls with, as tigerfly put it, silky skinned bottoms. So how can a guy look at girls like that, find them attractive / a turn on and then turn to a girl that is chubby with imperfections and say that she is just as big a turn on?

Yeah but porn stars* arent really skinny. They arent fat, but they arent Super Model stick thin either.

*Not that I'm an expert, but that one Charlie Sheen was bonking as his career crash landed on the ISS was curvey.

maltedmilk wrote:

tigerfly wrote:

Some good replies, thank you everyone. I see a look of silky skinned bottoms on people's profile pics though!

That's my attitude haha but don't compare. My bum is nice but it's my thighs which are cellulitey x

So are mine, and my hips :D

I have cellulite on my thighs which I really dislike. I dislike it more because I know I can get rid of it- walking enough just dissolves my cellulite, but i dont have time to walk anymore :(

I think women worry about cellulite far to much, us chaps don't notice, it has been said before but in my humble opinion the most attractive thing in a woman is confidence, wear clothes that are the right size and suit your shape so that you feel comfortable.

Wear a smile not worry lines and enjoy life, don't seek perfection because you will never achieve it, be confident and we will love you just as you are.

Don't worry, be happy as the song goes!

I have cellulite and I'm a size 8-10, eat healthily, drink gallons of water, exercise and moisturise. It's still there and it's not budging! But I've really stopped caring about it so much.

As I've grown up a bit I've become much more body confident. Things that used to bother me to the point of despair like my nose, my thighs, my stretch marks, my cellulite have gradually fizzled away!

I just think, my boyfriend has stretch marks all up his back and on his thighs. I love them and still think he's absolutely gorgeous. So I figure.. he should feel the same way about my flaws :) x