May Caption Comp - it's Back! 4 Grab Bag prizes to be won

If you look very closely at the picture there appears to be some sort of chair in the background

(Male si vous plait)


When the Commitee asked Sophie to be Chairperson, this wasn't quite what she expected.....

Soz, forgot to add 'Female' please

You think doing this to me will stop me getting a LoveHoney Grab bag?

(female please)

Hello Boys

I used to be a man

(couples please)

Margaret Thatchers latest make-over seems to have gone better than expected

I was recently claimed on expenses

Unfortunately for Jenny she'd forgotten that she lived on her own....

NOTICE: Woman bound and blindfolded not included.

Rather feeble I know... Male please

This image displaying the first NHS vagina dentata dental specialist provoked outrage in the Daily Mail and was branded as 'a cynical attempt to take advantage of this great nation's fair maidens purely for the titillation of the evil New Labour empire'.... For once, maybe they had a point...


After the election of President Obama even the prisoners of Guantanamo bay thought he was the sexist ever president of the United States and suddenly found the mental, physical and sexual torture much more enjoyable. Bad taste?


Potential Sun headline for tomorrow:

Bondage! Domination! Sadism! Masochism! New Tory Sex Scandal with fit blonde bird... COR!!! (but we won't report it because Mr Murdoch and Big Dave won't like it....)

..... More to follow maybe.

Can I have the GB containg a WiiVibe or Tenga black if I win?

I'll think about that too....

*Inside Prince Charles head, his two biggest fantasies*

Camilla in her younger, fitter non existent days.... and the Thone.

This is what plebs like me think BUPA gynaecological hospitals look like.

Gok Wan was the only male to think the mixing of black, purple and gold was a faux par.

Most men thought the set up was great but it could still be improved with a little bit of pink.

In the excitement... I've forgot how to spell.

WandA wrote:

After the election of President Obama even the prisoners of Guantanamo bay thought he was the sexiest ever president of the United States and suddenly found the mental, physical and sexual torture much more enjoyable. Bad taste?

WandA wrote:

*Inside Prince Charles head, his two biggest fantasies*

Camilla in her younger, fitter non existent days.... and the Throne.


I do love a good sit down dinner


The boy-scout and girl-guide reunion inevitably got out hand when knot-tying skills were brought up.


Home wood bound


After hearing all the hype about the Avatar movie, Susie went out and bought it on DVD. When she was told it would have her glued to her seat, she didn't realise this was what they meant!


"Sorry I can't make it in to work till this afternoon, I'm a little tied up at the minute and can't see ... myself being ready to come for at least two hours"


  • .........Virgin's new Upper Class seating.
  • .........they didn't tell me about this on Germany's Next Top Model
  • .........I take it this isn't the Pineapple Dance Studio?
  • .........Oh Chr!st, who's farted?
  • .........

(Bum fun please)

Maria's unconventional pollitical protest had the full support of Silvio Berlusconi
