Men using female avatars

From time to time I've noticed that some male members of the Lovehoney community use avatar pictures, or close ups that are obviosuly of women.

Just wondered why some people did this?

Most of the time it will be a picture of a female that they like.

I suppose it is much like someone using a picture of a futuristic space captain when they aren't one in real life

Touche Satoshi!

But you understood I wasn't a futuristic space captain straight away. Have to admit the others confuse me.

I don't know actually, I don't really understand it myself. Maybe they do it so they can see something they like every time they log on? Or they're trying to show other people what their preferences are?

maybe they just like having a laugh with people who dont stuiously look at profiles (like me)

and me too

In some forums people use 'Alts' to confuse others or to keep their 'real' identities separate. Particularly useful for trolls or Devil's advocates. Good for a laugh sometimes.

I'm obviously not going to put a picture of myself up, so it's just a rather attractive girl wearing some nice lingerie that I've bought.

If there is a problem with not knowing if I'm female / male then I can change it.

Or I could look at your profile.

kendo wrote:

Particularly useful for trolls or Devil's advocates. Good for a laugh sometimes.

Friend requests were coming one after another when I used a picture of an anime girl as my avatar. Since changing to a more masculine picture they seem to have dried up

Kasumi gets an awful lot of friend requests from random guys she has never heard of or seen before, strangely the same people never request me...

Abots wrote:

If there is a problem with not knowing if I'm female / male then I can change it.

No, I'm not saying there's a problem, merely wondering why.

mine is Mrs simker

Maybe they are pics of their partners?

Abots wrote:

I'm obviously not going to put a picture of myself up, so it's just a rather attractive girl wearing some nice lingerie that I've bought.

If there is a problem with not knowing if I'm female / male then I can change it.

ive always assumed you were female, goes to show i must check peoples profiles more often

but yes i do find it strange, perhaps us ladies should have mens profile pictures that would cause some confusion lol

In a world where the most of the media portray everyone as being beautiful ( thanks, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Anniston... the list goes on) some members may have low self-esteem with reguard to their physical appearance.

I'm no Johnny or Brad, but I don't think I'm ugly either, hence my avatar is me!

My oh sometimes puts pics of me up, but alot of the members who have been on here for a long while will know who he is (Mr Boob) for everyone else, he doesnt come on very very often anymore. I think that his name shows that he is a guy not a chic.

im not sure why guys would use pics of girls unless it is their oh's, I guess some might do it to decieve people, others just cos they like the pic.

Partly pride, partly admiration? Many people use pictures of their partners (pride and admiration) or if it's someone they don't know, it may just be someone they enjoy looking at (admiration) - I've never seen a case *here* of someone deliberately misleading - apart from our resident troll who pops back here from time to time and pretends to be both members of a relationship. We've not seen them for a while though; they're usually pretty obvious and get called out almost instantly.


rach74 wrote:

Abots wrote:

I'm obviously not going to put a picture of myself up, so it's just a rather attractive girl wearing some nice lingerie that I've bought.

If there is a problem with not knowing if I'm female / male then I can change it.

ive always assumed you were female, goes to show i must check peoples profiles more often

but yes i do find it strange, perhaps us ladies should have mens profile pictures that would cause some confusion lol

I'll find a suitable replacement picture then! :-)

I haven't set out to deceive anybody

Abots wrote:

I'll find a suitable replacement picture then! :-)

I haven't set out to deceive anybody

Why change? You obviously like your current avatar or you wouldn't have picked it. Change if you want to but don't feel as though you have to.

You aren't trying to deceive anyone so use any picture you like - as long as it adheres to the Lovehoney photo rules of course! It is your profile, let others worry about their own avatars

I use a female avatar. I have a willy but I feel that my true self is neither male or female.