Men with no pubes. Thoughts?

I prefer the clean shaved choice, although Mrs K prefers me with hair.
So balls are smooth, everywhere else is trimmed. It saves a lot of time not having to keep everything smooth, and once a fortnight will just hack it all back a little.

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Mrs Bear and I are both completely smooth, I feel sensations are far better like that. Shave twice a week, it only takes a couple of minutes.

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Completely up to you, It’s the shaving that puts me off and especially When I accidentally leave it too long ha

My OH loves my balls shaven and I also love my balls shaved, I also shave my taint and ass just incase we do some butt stuff, I wouldn’t go near a hairy ass so why should she ha


I definitely prefer men to be smooth down there with no pubes. It feels much better during sex and play, easier cleanup and I just prefer the looking. Fortunately my husband agrees and has been a shaver / waxer for a long time.

I have been shaven down there for over twenty years and would never go back​:+1:

Once you’ve lived with the world’s most moulting cat, you get used to a few hairs in ya mouth


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I havent had lazer treatment on removing body hair .but had 4 lot of lazer treatment on both of my arms to remove tattoos. I dont know if its the same sort of treat ment but have to say it was like someone twanging your arm with a elastic band 1000s of times .if it is like that think i would stick to waxing and shaving

It’s no deal breaker for me it’s up to the individual…

But I do prefer a bloke to be hairy…if given the choice…love nuzzling into the pubic area and getting my lungs filled with the trapped male pheromones.


I keep it all trimmed down there, smooth balls when possible, but I’m a hairy dude so would take about a month to shave all my body hair!

I’m so hairy down there someone came at me with a lawn mower shouting “I can save you”


I really prefer my boyfriend with no pubes at all and being smooth down there. He already trimmed a bit when we first got together and has been shaving it all for a year or two now.


My husband has be smooth for years and finally decided to get it lasered so he’s done a couple of sessions so far with this. I will be happy to see the end result :grinning:

I prefer fully shaved…the smoother the better…I personally think it makes a cock look fantastic and makes sucking balls etc a lot easier…you’d know what I mean if you’d ever had a hair stuck in your throat…


Pubes kept tidy, nuts and undercarriage shaved.
Personally would be happy to go completely bare but the Mrs wouldn’t be a fan plus I’d also feel the need to remove all body hair, and that would be a massive no from her!

Ive shaved from the age of 19 ,my body im talking about :rofl::rofl: started when i was in the army .it was easy to be smoo5h so you could check for bugs or leeches stuck to you when you where on patrol in the jungle .and ive done it ever since do think i could go back to having a hairy chest and everything else :rofl::rofl:

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Both me and the hubby are both clean shaven. Looks amazing and fabulous for ‘no stray hair’ oral sex. Have to admit though when he has a little bit of stubble the old clitoris seems to like it!!!


Both shaved smooth and have been for over 22 yrs , the wife loves a smooth shaft during oral , and we love the look and feel :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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