Men's Health/Sex After Vasectomy

Had mine done 35 years ago and it changed nothing for me . My wife was in attendance during the procedure and while the specialist was preforming it his assistant was called away for something urgent so nurse number two was called in . It did seem like half the staff dropped by about one thing or another . Doctor was a urologist and gave specific instructions NOT to become arroused for a minimum of five days . I had swelling the first day or so . I had it done on a Friday and by Saturday night the swelling had gone down nicely , it was a bit sore . Went to work on Monday and was careful to not lift anything heavy for a week or so . He said to use protection until they did a sperm check after 30 days . My manhood had changed from a staff of life to a sport stick .
I knew another fellow that did not listen to his DR and went horseback riding the next day . He damaged the DRā€™s work and had to go back in and get it repaired and missed three weeks of work and it took two weeks of packing his balls in ice and many pain killers . Note , there are general practitioners that preform them and in my opinion that is crazy . They tend to have failures at a higher rate " Youā€™re what ?".

Had mine done a couple of years ago, in and out in less than a hour. Bit uncomfortable for a few days to a week, bruising was impressive.

Wish i got it sooner


After reading all of these Iā€™m looking to get it done as we have 4 kids, and the last one nearly killed laura. Sheā€™s not taking anything so reading all these had made me feel a lot better about getting it done.

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Yeh, I know what you mean. I feel better after reading some of these but my eyes are always drawn to those who didnā€™t have a good experience. Typical :smile:

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Iā€™m really thinking about getting this done after 4 children and the last one doing laura so much harm as I have posted above but if you live in the uk the waiting list is like a year and a half on the NHS apparently :flushed:, has anyone enquired recently and got a different time scale for waiting?

Hubby was told a year and a half late last summer - he had the op early feb, so not as long as they said


I can give you an update based on my experience. For me it was about 6-7 months from referral to the date (which is this July). Though that was because I was keen to have it done at a clinic near my house for ease. If I was willing to travel an hour or so I could have had it done about 3-4 weeks after referral.

Hope that helps.


Thank you, I just get no luck with the GP when calling them for anything wether itā€™s for me, laura or the kids, as Iā€™m part of BUPA Iā€™ve tried them this morning and apparently you canā€™t get it done on any BUPA membership either so that was a waste of 20 mins so anyone reading this donā€™t waste your time with BUPA, Iā€™ll try and get through to the GP again tomorrow wish me luck :crossed_fingers:t3:

Yer thank you. Iā€™m glad his wasnā€™t as long Iā€™ll be trying to get a GP appointment tomorrow again to see if they can get me an appointment.

Yer Iā€™m like that just Weigh up the positives to the negatives and look at the statistics online you will find you are a lot more safe than what you can read, if you look at the numbers strictly speaking

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I just had a 5 min telephone appointment with the GP. Went through what seemed to be a very set script.

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I just get told to call back at 8 when I canā€™t call at 8 and even when I have had the chance to call the queue is full is so annoying and then they go on at laura as weā€™ve only had a baby 4 months ago about going on some sort of contraceptive but sheā€™s got a medical condition that doesnā€™t suit some things and also she just doesnā€™t want to which is fine with me, but itā€™s just something weā€™ve decided now after 4 kids we think thatā€™s enough and we are done, so Iā€™m trying to do the right thing and feel like Iā€™m getting nowhere I can actually try tomorrow morning so fingers crossed Iā€™ll get through

Ive just booked myself in to our local butchers! so they can have a butchers of me nads. its a bit of a touchy subject for me an the missus. i mean as far as back story goes, shes kink, me not so much after 2 relationships in the past nearly crippled me. Or i should say crippled my pride, my manhood. i would go so far as to say my ex really put me in a position where i had zero confidence downstairs at all when she told me that she preferred her toys over me.

many years of recovery later, an my now wife of 7 years (plus 3 engaged/dating), to whom i have 2 kids with, is very much the playful character in the bedroom, slowly over the years garnering my trust, my confidence, placating my fears over toys in the bedroom. im still developing on the toy front, but im beginning to find it more fun. an so it boils down to this, shes wants my load, without condoms, without pills an chemicals in the system. o natural!

so im willing to give it a shot, put aside my fears, and as much as i have a high pain tolerance, im a pansy downstairs, i am willing to go through a little pain for her sake and spruce our sex life up again. i will post updates as an when i get them.

regards Gents!


I had a telephone appointment with my Doc in February time, had to wait a bit for that because they are shambolic. But once that was done he referred me to a company who worked for the NHS (Tollgate) and from then on it was plain sailing. I had a choice of dates (even got a text offering an earlier date which I couldnā€™t make) and even times for the op, it was done in my own doctors surgery and was absolutely the easiest thing ever. In and out in 25mins, no pain, bit bruised for a few days - 12 days on now and everything normal. Iā€™m a total wuss for anything medical, so glad I hadnā€™t read some of the bad stories before - but I came out and was fine and glad Iā€™ve had it done - wish Iā€™d done it sooner!


Im on a waiting list to have it done no idea when I get it tho probably be waiting a while

Donā€™t get me wrong - I would get it done every year if I knew I could have full confidence that cum could be shared without any fear of life changing after effects of sex. Any pain is worth the elimination of worry and any ā€œsurprisesā€ that come with any style of ejaculation.

If I was still worried about kids and growing my family, that would be different. But now, no surprises over 40 years old is a fantastic thing.

Hurry up and get it done!

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So I got through to the doctors this morning booked in for a call back to be referred for one on the 23rd of June. Then I suppose the long wait begins

Youā€™ll be alright man. I just had it done a month ago and everything works as it did before and I go in late June to the lab to check for swimmers, :rofl: I felt little pain and mild discomfort while procedure was happening. After i iced the boys for a couple days and never ever took any of the hardcore pain meds. Just took an advil at most and didnā€™t lift anything heavier than 20 lbs. Had sex about a week later, which was brutal(the wait)ā€¦ but both of us are soo excited at not to fumble for protection or worry about unplanned babies (no more for us-3 is enough).

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I had my snip done a little over 2 years ago - right before COVID shut everything down. Procedure itself was a breeze - just a little local anesthetic and it was over before I knew it was even in process. The worst part was the dry shave with a cheap disposable razor to clear the work area; after that the doc moved so quickly that I guess the little pinches I thought was still local being applied was the actual deal. I think I took one dose of Tylenol afterward and kept a bag of frozen peas on it for a few hours after the numbing wore off, but other than a little tenderness it wasnā€™t that bad. Post-op, the most painful experience was actually sitting down for a poop - I guess there was a little swelling and it was a little painful to maneuver everything into the toilet seat as necessary. I took the couple weeks off of working out - tried a run at 1 week and the bounce was too jarring, so I just kept with a morning walk instead. Took a few weeks to get back to where I had been in the weight room, too.

As for sex afterward, itā€™s been great to be more carefree with the when and where of the mood; more likely to get hot and heavy on the couch, or let a heated kiss in the kitchen turn to something more on the countertop without having to stop and fetch a condom or pull out. Because we do have our two young children still, itā€™s rare that thereā€™s relaxed morning romp, but it can still be had.

My first couple ejaculations after the snip were a little achy - just an extra dull throb going on like something was clogging the plumbing, but not too different from what I would previously feel after the second orgasm of a day or sometimes a particularly intense session builds up so that I feel it for a few hours after. My wife commented the first couple times that she thought the volume of my cum had gone down, but I think that was bias talking. Since then I feel like Iā€™ve had plenty big enough loads.

Iā€™ll also just add that I was happy to do it now that weā€™re done growing our family, rather than asking my wife to do any more. She was on hormonal birth control (pill) for our first 3 years of marriage (after weā€™d been together for 3 years w/o) and came off it after grad school when we were open to having kids (but still waited another 5 years, thankfully). Coming off the pill was like a switch had been switched and her libido skyrocketed back to what it was like when we were 19 together. After that we knew we would never go back and had a pretty successful run using a combination of cycle tracking, withdrawal, and condoms, but knew a vasectomy would be in my future eventually. We did just make it away for our first vacation without the kids since becoming parents 7 years ago - and it was fantastic not having to pack condoms up with everything else and the freedom to just go at it whenever we felt like makes it so much worth it.

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It effects your sex life for about 2 weeks because you donā€™t have it. After that itā€™s great. Just carefree sex not worried about impregnating your partner. I did it about 2 years ago and am so glad I did.

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