Metal Ben Wa Balls

Has anyone used metal Ben Wa Balls without the string? (Loose Balls)

Are these balls easy to get out? How do you get them out?

Can they be stainless steel or do they need to a surgical steel? What’s the difference?


In answer to the actual question, yes I have used that type.

Getting them out is harder than getting out the ones with some form of string, as you need to either push them out, completely relax yourself muscles to try and get them to fall out or fish them out with your finger. They are designed for a more advanced kegel workout so you’ll need stronger kegel muscles to keep them in, which will then help you in getting them back out.

Surgical steel is a type of stainless steel (actually it covers several types of stainless steel). Technically, surgical steel is the better option but anything that is genuine stainless steel is more than good enough as a sex toy material.


We bought some magnetic metal ones for LH earlier this year…they’re discontinued now…

My OH really likes them - and while they were slightly daunting to use initially - she much prefers them as she finds the string annoying.

The balls are heavy enough that she can remove them using gravity and her pelvic floor - a squat and a gentle squeeze seems to do the trick!


Thank you @Calie and @BLovesC this is very helpful.

@BLovesC shame they are discontinued I would have purchased them. I have seem some others and I am very tempted to buy them.

Like @BLovesC’s OH (C?), I hate the string on these things. Really stops my enjoyment.

So it was with some trepidation (and excitement) that I tried stringless balls. Mine are Surgical Steel and not magnetic.

Well, not only do they feel amazing inside, offering a range of movement I never felt with stringed ones, I also never had a problem getting them out. I would heartily recommend them.


I have these Small metal ben wa balls, discontinued now I’m afraid but they are excellent.

Not particularly heavy but very small so the challenge is using your kegals properly to keep them in. Relax muscles and removing them is not a problem!

They are described, “100% steel material is skin-safe and nickel-free”. I’m not an expert but never had any problems with the steel they are made from.

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