Missing Posts & Demotions

I understand the need for site cleaning & deletion of old dormant threads... BUT... How come the posts that were on those threads are wiped from your record. I've noticed loads of us have lost several hundred posts & been demoted. What gives? No problem if they are unacceptable & against regs.

Can we keep our tally if the threads are axed? Pretty Please?

More of a power trip for me, Carly. I
I gathered it was the howdy doodly thread.

Carly, do the posts use up much memory? if the answer is in the affirmative then maybe we don't have a problem with historic posts being deleted. As you say they aren't always of earth shattering significance and wouldn't be missed!!

Cheers TB

LoveHoney - Carly wrote:

10+ threads on the subject of 'how do I get my girlfriend to let me put it in her bum?'

Haha so true! The search results thing is a good point too. Hehe people really shouldn't worry about their rating :)

Eek, "the price of fish" double posts and off topic chatter- l think l have been guilty of all these misdemeanouirs, but hopefully a thing more of the past than current. I have been trying really really hard since l was the victim of the deleterious digit. No sure what the answer is..... if l had the option l would go through my posts and delete all l thought brought nothing to the party. It could be a case then of hello cadet Tallboy !!! but l wouldn't mind really.

Cheers TB

Don't worry TB we all went down a lot, it's not just you! I understand the reason for a clean up and it's a good idea.

imeldaimelda wrote:

Don't worry TB we all went down a lot...

On this kind of forum, I should bloody well think soExternal Media

ha ha good one!

JayGee wrote:

imeldaimelda wrote:

Don't worry TB we all went down a lot...

On this kind of forum, I should bloody well think soExternal Media

Oooerrrr JayGee you are awful- But l like you!!!