MMORPG players

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if any Lovehoney users are also regular MMO players? If so would you mind filling out a questionnaire for my final year research project? Its about both positive and negative effects of online gaming and is anonymous.

The link is -

Its about 60 questions but its multiple choice so doesn't take too long to fill out.

I would be so grateful for any help :)

x x x

MMO?? what is that?

Sure thing, will complete this a bit later on for you :)

I'll also see if my husband will agree to complete it too because he's an MMO addict & plays a number of them.

(Dee_licious333 MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online game - see:



completed - interesting.. will be we able to see the results once completed?

Completed for you :)

Done :) Interesting questionaire, I met all three of my long term boyfriends on World of Warcraft and definitely find my social life is greatly affect by games like that.

Completed it, but found a few areas might lead to ambiguous results. For example, several questions ask about your quality of health, mobility, etc., but there's no attempt to clarify if these are issues that are independant of gaming, are caused or exacerbated by gaming, or even that encourage gaming (I currently have a leg injury that means I'm in pain if I walk around a lot, so find myself with a lot of on-my-arse time compared to normal, and thus I've said yes, I have issues, and yes, I'm spending a lot of time on games, but there's no option to say that apart from "do you feel it's a negative impact?", which an addict would of course say no to anyway). There's another where it's asked if friends and family say you play too much, which seems leading, since of course someone will say you play too much: my mother has said I play too much when I hadn't touched it in a month! Unless you literally have no friends or family, or are a closet gamer, then that'll be a "yes" and thus proves nothing.

Don't want to attack you or anything, I just feel it's worth noting that there are some areas that might get squiffy results, or can't be accurately interpreted at least. Hope it's just me being overly-critical though, I'm exceptionally sceptical of statistics and surveys in general.

Since I'm a gamer, I'm going to fill that just for you.

BashfulBabe wrote:

Completed it, but found a few areas might lead to ambiguous results. For example, several questions ask about your quality of health, mobility, etc., but there's no attempt to clarify if these are issues that are independant of gaming, are caused or exacerbated by gaming, or even that encourage gaming (I currently have a leg injury that means I'm in pain if I walk around a lot, so find myself with a lot of on-my-arse time compared to normal, and thus I've said yes, I have issues, and yes, I'm spending a lot of time on games, but there's no option to say that apart from "do you feel it's a negative impact?", which an addict would of course say no to anyway). There's another where it's asked if friends and family say you play too much, which seems leading, since of course someone will say you play too much: my mother has said I play too much when I hadn't touched it in a month! Unless you literally have no friends or family, or are a closet gamer, then that'll be a "yes" and thus proves nothing.

Don't want to attack you or anything, I just feel it's worth noting that there are some areas that might get squiffy results, or can't be accurately interpreted at least. Hope it's just me being overly-critical though, I'm exceptionally sceptical of statistics and surveys in general.

Hey, I totally understand what your saying! The questionnaire has been approved by various research and ethics boards. The section of the questionnaire I think you're refering to is in fact an existing, established validated questionnaire. I'm simply using it as a method of comparison to my results. That section of the questionnaire looks at overall well-being whereas the rest looks at well-being in relation to MMO playing - thats the main bit Im looking at.

The question that also asks if your family/friends say you play to much is also from an existing MMO addiction scale. I agree not all the questions may be as refined as I would like, however this is the price you have to pay when researching a relatively new topic of interest.

I hope this makes a bit more sense :)

Thank you so much to the people that have completed! I need as much help as I can get :)

As it says on the questionnaire people are more than welcome to get a copy of the results after my work has been marked etc :) i could probably even post a brief summary on here for the few people that are interested!

Thanks again!

x x x