Modern life 'turning people off sex'

We're having less sex according to a report in the Lancet:

True but we are getting more experimemtal.

I suppose that its known stress etc can have a negative effect on libido so given how difficult things are financially for most its not that surprising. A shame really as we know how sex can have such a positive effect :)
I am a little surprised that they think twitter etc is getting in the way. It wouldn't occur to me to be doing that in bed.
Anyway im having far more sex than i was 6 years ago so im not complaining :)

All the figures (like 6.4 and the like in the early 90s) all sound very low to me and I'm not sure the figures for the older age group are in line with the recently published Saga's figures.

It would be interesting to see figures for the 1960's and 1970's.

I'm definitely having sex more now than I was 10 years ago (because I wasn't having any then!). I'm shocked to find out those polled are having sex less than 5 times A MONTH, if we have it less than 5 times in a week I consider it a bad week lol

The figures were surprising to me i admit, if there was a couple of days in between us having sex it would be unusual and probably down to illness but i guess its different for everyone.
The idea that life in general could have an effect seems quite likely to me though.

I think Facebook can have an effect. Not using it in the bedroom as such, but if the OH is spending the evening chatting to friends on Facebook then she's not with me emotionally for that time. If we're watching TV or doing something else, then we're emotionally together even if we're not talking and this makes sex more likely.

All those things are averages, so they're probably accurate. There must be loads of single people and people in sexless marriages pulling the average right down, although Cornish is doing her best to pull the figures up ;-)

I'm hoping this works for the pensioners as well. There must be loads having no sex at all, so I'm hoping that I don't have to stop when I get old.

I have to admit that at the moment we are probably in the 5 times or less catergory but we go through phases all the time.

Its one of the reason weve come back here to get chatting. Want to see if some of the discusions here can re ignite our passion for each other.

16-44 is a very broad age group for this. I went from fairly infrequent until I was 22 (either living at home or no steady girlfriend) to every day from 22 to 30 (partner/wife and own place) to about twice a week from mid 30s to early 40s.

The big drop for us was post kids. This coincided (and possibly caused) a big drop in my partner's libido.

StHubbins wrote:

I think Facebook can have an effect. Not using it in the bedroom as such, but if the OH is spending the evening chatting to friends on Facebook then she's not with me emotionally for that time. If we're watching TV or doing something else, then we're emotionally together even if we're not talking and this makes sex more likely.

All those things are averages, so they're probably accurate. There must be loads of single people and people in sexless marriages pulling the average right down, although Cornish is doing her best to pull the figures up ;-)

I'm hoping this works for the pensioners as well. There must be loads having no sex at all, so I'm hoping that I don't have to stop when I get old.

I totally agree with this point. I was guilty as charged at spending too much time on Facebook, not only neglecting my hubby on nights when we could have been snuggling up watching a film, but also in the sense that I wasn't getting anything done at home. Then I'd complain about it afterwards that I haven't got anything done! I keep off it now, to me it's a waste of life being sat on that for hours at a time. Being on this forum however is soooooo not a waste of time, a lot has been learnt spending hours scrolling through posts! Put it this way, me and hubby are extremely happy atm ;-)

I just loved the comments from 72 year old Mr Barnet of Cheadle at the end of the BBC article. There's hope for us all.

I don't know why I bother reading anything except The Daily Mash:

Cornish89 wrote:

I'm definitely having sex more now than I was 10 years ago (because I wasn't having any then!). I'm shocked to find out those polled are having sex less than 5 times A MONTH, if we have it less than 5 times in a week I consider it a bad week lol

I totally agree - we have sex almost every day too - I could not imagine having it less than 5 times a month - lol xxx

I don't know about Modern Life turning me off sex, if anything the dawn of LH, modern sex toys, and ebooks turn me on more, but sometimes grown up life gets in the way of it.

LetsTryThis wrote:

I don't know about Modern Life turning me off sex, if anything the dawn of LH, modern sex toys, and ebooks turn me on more, but sometimes grown up life gets in the way of it.

I agree it's the run of the mill stuff that gets in the, kids, bills, home and all that is what wears you out.

I can see why people could be having sex less compared to years ago.

But with the stresses of everyday life where a couple are both out at work and working long hours, not getting home until 6-7pm and then before you know it, its bed time and you're back getting up and going to work again.

I dont think Facebook and Twitter are getting in the way of sex at all.

Mrs Mozz and I may be in the roughly 5 times a month bracket, but its not necessarily through choice. My shifts basically rule out 4 days in every 8, plus there's around 6-7 days when Aunt Flo is visiting. Doesn't leave many days.

Its not all about quantity though. I'm happy to have a real quality fun session less frequently than a perfunctory shag just for the sake of keeping the numbers up.

We are definitely trying to make more time for fun and sex, and you lot are giving us plenty of inspiration and encouragement. Quality, not quantity is much more important.

Well I think we are all bucking the trend on here

I have recently found sex is a great way to get rid of all that modern stress and work preasure.... I have never felt so releaved and stress free!! hehe I am having more sex now than any other time in my life I can remember and certainly much more experimental & fun (well I may have had lots of sex in tmy eens but let be honest sex as a teanager for me was not even on the same level as now having oh who is experienced and knows exactly how to please me)

I no all my friends rarely have sex and they tell me how they sit on the I pads all night or lie in bed watching tv. So I could easily believe that modern technology is affecting people sex life's x