Most powerful clit stim

Can I get some recomendations please as to the most strongest high pitch vibrations a girl can get, either by clit stim or by any othe toy placed directly on the clit. Over the years I have baught so many but have always been left not entirly satisfied, there has always been compramises with build, noise or just lack of power, I am still craving the perfect toy, I want max power, relitivly quiet, great design and build and also some length so that I can position well myself during sex with OH. I have recently tried the Lelo wand which was beautiful but even though the vibrations were strong, they took ages to make me cum and the orgasms were very poor. I also tried the LH wand which definetly took me to the place I crave but thats if I wasnt put off by the noise of the intrusive jackhammer in the room. I am currently looking at the swan trumpeter and the oscilator thingy that I found but thats a bit high price at £169.99, unless it will deliver things iv never experienced before. Thanks in advance x B x