Music reminders

What songs remind you of people who love/loved and why or which song holds the fondest memory for u and why?


Pixies Where is my Mind... reminds me of a lover who passed away.

Snow Patrol - Crack the Shutters

this was the track my wife walked down the aisle to and now can't listen to it without getting a lump in my throat


Coldplay - Everythings not lost

saw them live, headlining at Glastonbury with friends! Amazing track being sung by thousands was breath taking!!

Foo Fighters - All My Life. Had some absoutely incredible sex to that with the ex.

I intend to again with my next victim/lover!


Its a weird one but

Roybn - Every heart beat - listening to this song when i knew my finace was the one!

`Wake Me Up When September Ends' - Green Day.

My husband and I had just begun our driving holiday to the south of france at the time my dad passed away, the cancer hadnt killed him but water around his heart had (for which to this day i am greatful, as he died peacefully). We stayed the week in France, as my family convinced me thats what my dad would have wanted and they were probably right. Driving back home through France on a sunny afternoon a week later in early September, this song was playing. I sobbed my heart out as i wasnt with my dad when he passed away and i couldnt be with my family right away. I still find it difficult to listen to this song. The words so poignant and beautiful at the same time.

The Cure 'Love Cats' will always remind me of being a teenager in love. Makes me tingle still today.
Not like me to admit to being so sentimental but Etta James 'At Last' is special to me and my OH, a very powerful song.

blink 182, i miss you, always listen to that when we where living long distance. but when scince weve been closer it has to be example, lovekicks xx

Adele - Love song- my fiance -

because we spend so much time apart when i have him back with me my world is bighter, better and i feel whole again

Adele - Love song- my fiance -

because we spend so much time apart when i have him back with me my world is bighter, better and i feel whole again

Marilyn Mansons version of Tainted Love

reminds me of a certain member off here x

The Proclaimers 500 miles, because my boyfriend and I heard that song bloody everywhere during the first few months of our relationship, and because we were actually living hundreds of miles apart at the time it seemed so strangely applicable to our situation! Still makes me smile every time I hear it :)

ELO - need her love

My OH always sings it to me when I feel low and all ways cheers me up.