My Reviews

There’s currently no page to view all of your reviews from the shopping site, and no way to link to individual ones either, which makes sharing your reviews in forum conversations a little tricky. However… We have a workaround. :slightly_smiling_face:

For anyone who loves sharing their reviews, or finds it really useful being able to link to a specific one, you can copy and paste any of your reviews from the shopping site to here in this topic (and here’s a handy template). :+1:

Once they’re a post in this topic, you can share a link to individual ones whenever they crop up around the boards, or you can even use the filter trick to create a summary link of just your ones, and pop it in the About Me section of your user profile (if you put it as the first line, it will show up on your usercard too :+1:).

To create a summary link for your reviews, add your username instead of mine to the end of this link:

NB: If you test it from within this topic it won’t work properly as it needs a page refresh, but it will work just fine from any other page. :+1:

If anyone needs a hand with anything you can ask for help in The Sandbox. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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