My Reviews

by @For_Your_Eyes_Only_x, 18/05/24
Milk Chocolate-Flavoured Body Pen 40g


Now I’m one for reading reviews prior to purchasing an item, and not one prepared me for quite what to expect.

The packaging is basic, informative, and alludes to a “Draw it on, lick it off” simplicity, so with much excitement we unpacked the pen, then the fun and games began.

We removed the cap (and our clothes) and attempted to start drawing, however to our dismay, nothing! With a lot of shaking, rolling, twisting, swearing, and more vigour than we’ve ever exerted into our sex life, still, nothing happened.

After some close inspection and a thorough investigation, we noticed there was a small blockage where the chocolate had solidified at the tip. Out came the manicure set to dislodge said solidified chocolate, then we settled back down to resume play (or now affectionately referred to as “the mission”).

With one firm, over-compensated squeeze, off popped the tip (with a rather satisfying pop), followed by a questionable looking expulsion of chocolate… straight down my thigh. After many laughs, and equally as many comparisons of what it looked like sat on my leg, we put the tip back on, and with a gentler squeeze resumed play (again). We were much more successful this time and had plenty of fun drawing on each others bodies.

The pen itself drew quite clearly and was easy to use with a gentle squeeze. The taste? It was ok, although it’s not something you’ll be consuming in large quantities. The consistency was relatively thick and required a good couple of licks to remove all from the skin. This kept us going back for more!

All in all, a very good laugh, although maybe not as sexual as we thought it would be.

Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

Pros: novelty, the laughs, the concept, taste was ok!

Cons: difficulty to use initially

Bottom Line: probably a one-time use item, however lots of fun despite the initial frustration.