
A tush is a bum…

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Pussy, cock, vagina, penis. Maybe sometimes dick, but I think c*nt might be too much for Mrs300 - even if used lovingly.


I like ‘cunt’ for dirty talk but I use the word quite regularly so it doesn’t really fit when it comes to sex.


My husband and I gave ours names. Fred and Freda. :grin: I was always a bit inhibited and embarrassed to use certain words but with my current lover he uses cock and pussy all the time and it really turns me on which I never expected it would. So I have started using them and it is starting to feel more natural and also filthy, which we love. Neither of us likes the C word though.


Yes im aware of that…i was merely suggesting it as a name that could be used by @batjamboree .
The Americans use Fanny as a name for a bum. In the UK your fanny isnt your bum.!!

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All of the above depeng on what we are doing and how we feel at the time. We don’t have anything that is out of bounds but we stick with cock and pussy if we are talking to others :wink:

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In the Britain, an “fanny” is an old Royal Navy lower-deck slang term for tinned meat . Its origin lay in the murder in 1820 of a 7-year-old girl named Fanny Adams by a solicitor’s clerk who disembowelled and cut up his victim.
Later, naval ratings started the rumour that poor Fanny’s body parts had made their way into the mutton rations.

The naval ratings soon realised that their empty meat tins came in very useful in which to collect their daily tots of rum. They began to use these empty tins on daily basis and gave them the name of “Fannie’s”.

A “fanny” is still a tin container (albeit different from a meat tin) from which modern Naval ratings are served their rum tots (“Splicing the Main Brace”) you received your “tot” of rum ration from a “fanny ” - a measuring cup.
Since 1970, restrictions were placed on those who could “splice the mainbrace”: any man or officer over the age of 18 who desired to take it received an extra issue of one-eighth of a pint of rum. Lemonade was issued those who did not wish for the rum.

Well there you go !! Who knew.?

Fanny (though not really when talking dirty, I tend to be descriptive) & cock. Honestly, I hate the word pussy so can’t bring myself to use it :rofl:

My first hubby used to call his Humphrey then when we were in a funny mood I called it bionic cock and he called mine super toosh.