Need advice

So me and my partner have tried remote love eggs. And we've took them out in public a few times while doing the shopping and it was great fun definitely added a little spice. But we had lots of problems with the egg we got had a few replacements but gave up in the end. We have the Tracy Cox one (£34.99)the the wires kept bearing and spliting at the base or just stopped working. So dissapointed :(
Is there any really good love eggs out there that aren't too expensive we really want the we vibe that was recently up for testing but weren't lucky enough and can't really afford or justify getting one as times lately have been very difficult. Thanks in advance all suggestions welcome x


My personal favourite to suggest is the 50 Shades remote, it is greatly powerful, rechargable and is waterproof as well-

Otherwise one I was really surprised on when I saw it was this one- I thought it looked a little too cheap and unreliable but the power of the egg and the clear-ness of the remote is great! I don't like the sleeve too much but it's easy to take of as well.

Enjoy your shopping hunt x

I am still yet to find one :( My fifty shades on seemed to play up when i was on the phone or near electricals. That might just be down to my bad luck of getting a faulty one though x

I was looking at the 50 shades one but still in to minds now I dont want the hassle I had the last thing even with brilliant customer service but was still very disappointing

I'm currently deciding between or which I've based off the reviews, maybe read through a few and see what grabs your attention x

I have and it's awesome but it's a wireless remote control one I'd like. It's a fantasy thing of my OH and atm he really needs cheering up

I've used this one in public:

I tucked the controller in the back pocket of my jeans and my t-shirt covered the wire (which is clear anyway so not that obvious). When my partner wanted to change the settings he just slipped his hand into my back pocket.

I totally understand why you want a remote control one but, in the meantime, this might be a workaround.

I want to upgrade from a wired one, to a wireless and rechargeable love egg. I'm so indecisive though!