Nipple clamps/suckers

I’ve got those. Marvellous things. After using them just a few times, my nipples are now permanently proud! :+1:


I laugh back at it now as didn’t expect it at all and stupid me didn’t say anything at the time while they thought my ouch face was more a happy pleasure face so they kept doing it :sweat_smile:

Shockingly the next day I was still sooo sore my nipples had bite cuts on them and took a good week to heal :see_no_evil:

Oh noo :grimacing: that’s enough to put you off for life :joy:

Hi @Newton27, my nipple suckers have arrived :grin: I haven’t tried tge out yet but I’ve measured them for you. Just over 1 inch in diameter (2.8cm to be exact!). Hope that helps

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Yayy! :joy:
That’s brilliant thanks so much :blush:
Would it be too much to ask how you find them when you get a chance to try them?

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I’ll let you know as soon as I get a chance. Might be a few days / a week though x

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No problem, I’m not in a rush just be nice to find some that I can get on with. Thank you! :blush:

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@Kitty-Cat01 - when you try them out, don’t forget to put some lube around the edge of the tube to make a good airtight seal. Actually, you don’t need lube: just give 'em a good lick! :yum:


I always fancied nipple suckers for both myself and husband however I was disappointed with them as they kept falling off despite using lube however I started using them on my clitoris and this brings a whole different sensation to foreplay

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Late to the party, sorry, but the Black Velvets suckers with rings might be suitable as they’re big enough and don’t have the ‘waist’ the Perfect Pair or Colour Changing suckers have. I can’t do links but if you search nipple suckers they all pop up (groan!).

They stay stuck on well enough to resist a good tug on the rings (an OOOOH! moment if ever I’ve had one).

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Is it These ones?
Do you know roughly the size of them at the bottom?
It just says 3 inches in length :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:
I’ve since measured my bars so I know roughly how big they need to be now :blush:

@Newton27 - on that product page, if you look at the image of the hand holding one, it gives you a pretty good idea of the diameter at the opening. If you want to do a bit of calculation, from that same photo we can assume that the 3 inch length includes the metal loop - which means that the opening at the bottom must be more than an inch. :slightly_smiling_face:

STOP PRESS: I’ve just adjusted the size of that image on my tablet screen so that it measures 3 inches to the top of the loop. My ruler tells me that the bottom opening is about 1 and a quarter inches across. :straight_ruler:


That’s them. I’ll measure them and get back to you in the morning.

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Ahh that’s a very clever way of figuring it out! Thank you :blush: that should be plenty!
Bars are 18mm so need enough room to fit them in comfortably. They sound perfect! On my list they go :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Newton27. Sorry I completely forgot to get back to you about the dominix nipple suckers. It took me a while to get around to trying them for various reasons. I’m not sure about these if I’m honest. I’ve tried them a few times thinking that they might grow on me (pun not intended, sorry!). They are very strong so if you are looking for something to make your nipples look bigger a puffy they would be brilliant. I already have big nipples so I wanted them for the stucking sensation (I have smaller, less strong suckers which I love but wanted something a bit stronger). I’ve found these ones a little on the large side so they suck up a lot of the surrounding area which I find too painful and can’t feel much in the actual nipple because of the sensation on the surrounding area if that makes any sense? I mean, I like a bit of pain on my nipples, it’s pleasurable in a strange way, but it seems I don’t like the pain on other parts of my boobs, it just feels weird. The twisting mechanism is also rather stiff so difficult to use with slippery lube covered fingers. You need to be really careful to increase the suction slowly, if you go too far they are a little fiddly to undo which can be a pain (literally). Like I said, if you want strong suction for visual effects these are probably really good but for sensation I don’t really like them. Hope that helps a little.

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Damn! I forgot as well.

I’ll try to remember when I go upstairs (I have trouble with stairs so avoid going up unless I have to and then often forget what I needed to do while up there!).

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It’s fine I wasn’t in a rush :slightly_smiling_face:
Oh noo that’s such a shame!
Yeh it does make sense, I don’t think I’d like that either to be honest.
It was more the sensation I was after too so I may give these a miss if you’ve not had much luck with them.
There are some others people have recommended others that seem decent so I’ll give one of them a go :slightly_smiling_face: thank you!

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Ahh don’t worry about it! I’ve added them to my list anyway :blush:

I measured them with my partner’s tape and they appear to be 2cm internal diameter.

I forgot to take the caliper up with me then forgot to bring the sucker down!

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Thank you so much!

Oh no :woman_facepalming:t2: Don’t worry about it :slightly_smiling_face:
I bought them! They got here this morning so going to give them a test drive tonight haha!

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