Nipple clamps/suckers

Let us know how you get on. Enjoy! :blush:

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We’ve never used any before but hope to try these soon…on me (male) Fires me up when my OH pinches and plays with my nips so gonna give it a try. Don’t want too tight and hope the adjustment works well but still firm

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They are the first ones I got myself, the adjustment is good so you should be fine to use them with a gentle(ish!) grip. Enjoy playing with them.

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Thanks! Looking for more of a firm squeeze rather than a tight ouch…if that makes sense. But it will be fun to play and get it just right! Will share how it went :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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The clamp style ones were great previous to getting pierced. I loved that you can adjust them exactly to your liking.
Go for it I am sure you will love it!
And the sensitivity after aswell is amazing :ok_hand:t3:

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Thanks and I’m excited to try them out. Hadn’t really thought of the sensitivity after and think it’ll be fantastic

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The feeling right after removing them is also pretty awesome. Great fun to put them on early and take them off part way through a session, makes your nipples so sensitive when someone plays with them after.


@Green_Eyed_Girl Absolutely! My OH applies the clamps during a session and then pulls them off. She will gently caress my nipples for a while and then apply the clamps again but rotating them by 45 degrees. What drives me over the top though is that while doing this she will be smiling and laughing as she watches the reaction on my face.