I got these nipple suckers a couple of days ago because they were really cheap and I needed something to take my order up to £40:
I really liked them but I have now realised that I have rather large nipples! I can just fit my nipples in the larger to the 2 pumps but only just! I love the feeling and strangely, I find being able to see my nipples being sucked up really arousing.
I’m now thinking of getting another set because I want something with a bit more suction but I need to know that they will fit! On the website none of them seem to state the circumference or diameter only the length which is not very helpful!
Does anyone have either of these and could measure them for me?
Or if anyone has any other recommendations that would be great too
They have an internal diameter dimension of 25 mm, with a maximum depth of 40 mm. They are huge, and if you are not careful they can give you a nasty bruise. As they have such a strong suction if you wind them up too high.
One tip for you, if you get them and suddenly find that the don’t suck as well as they did. take them apart and clean them with a soft soap, as the “O” ring and the very top of the tube won’t be cleaned properly if you don’t take them apart. The go back easy enough, just get the threaded bit in the right place put a bit of pressure on the end of the piston and wind it back together.
It’s best to damp around your nipple a bit too to get a good seal. You can end up sucking your nipple a bit off centre if you don’t get them in the right place, as there is so much room inside, they will suck a portion of your areola up too
Thanks @anon62893628! That’s great, this is the sort of information that really needs to be on the website descriptions. I might email customer services to suggest that it is added. I can’t be the only one who wants to know the sizes!
@Kitty-Cat01 Do you think it would be a good idea to start a thread to ask LH to improve the level of information on product pages. So Many times I wish I knew something about a toy that wasn’t on the page, like the minimum diameter of a tapered dildo, the only give the maximum.
I did always think they looked overly small, but thought it might have just been the internet.
We have some little silicon ones which are nice, but find the female nipple very stretchy and it needs to be re sucked out a few times as you go, to keep it up and sucky.
@Ian_Chimp@Lovehoney_Brenna I was actually thinking more along the lines of the I found a typo thread. So people could post about a product they came across which they felt lacked some information they felt they needed to make a purchase decision. For LH to look into it, and add info to the product blurb. Like the lube, does it mean it has anti bac properties when it says “use to keep them clean, hygienic and always ready to play again.” It certainly implies that to me, but you may well be right about it not being.