No Nut November

I was wondering whether anyone was actually doing this and how it was going? For me I failed probably two days in as I need that release.

I’m not, I take every orgasm I can get and I don’t hate myself enough to deliberately deny myself :rofl:


Not even going to attempt to try. LOL


Not even a thought , have trouble going one day.

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Not so much for me, I don’t really see it as a healthy challenge. Not good for prostate health


Mrs is horny as hell at the moment so not turning that down for this no nut crap. :crazy_face:


Not a chance :joy: he needs that release and I love taking it :yum:


There is no way that I’m going straight from Locktober into No Nut November.

2 months without an orgasm is unthinkable.


Don’t think we could ever attempt this as we can’t keep our hands off each other.


Hell no :joy:

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Eh I don’t give these things a go but reckon once I’d gotten over the urge I could easily go the full month

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No way!

Two days is too long for me…

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Orgasm denial is a funny thing, once you become accustomed to the feeling, its actually a bit of a downer having an orgasm and losing that feeling

Ive only just gotten back into chastity again, but was juat short of 4 weeks between orgasms. Dont get me wrong, orgasming is still fantastic, but the high you get during sex (before u cum) lasts for ages once activities stop. Its quite alluring

Alwo, for prostate health, the male body is a wonderful thing, if your gland becomes full, the body naturally expels the excess. This is either absorbed into the body, or can come out through your penis after peeing or pooping (for me, is usually at 7-10 day mark, will have seminal looking fluid release after peeing, but no orgasmic feeling at all)



Being teased frequently but not allowed to orgasm produces a particular type of feeling where you are constantly horny but start to subsume your horniness on to your partner in the form of increased intimacy, desire to serve and especially the desire to give them all the orgasms you aren’t getting yourself.


Nearly over for those who have stuck to it, those who have respect, god only knows how you did it.

Day 2, OH walked into the room dressed twirling her pants around her finger, and that was it, good bye to trying, there is always next year.


Honestly, so many times you’ve posted something and I’ve thought “that’s exactly what I was going to say!! :joy:

If my husband decided not to have sex with me for a month, I would be…unspeakably irritated.


I haven’t had penetrative sex with my wife for over a year now but trust me, she doesn’t go short of orgasms. At least one a day and most days many more.


I started late - but am in the last week of my month off - spouse and I still fooled around a lot - but only they got to go. Has unlocked new intimacy and released some pressure to perform in sex

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