Numbing anal lube

I was wondering if anyone had tried one and could tell me if:

1. Does it make a difference
2. How extreme is the numbing
3. To do have to worry about not feeling anything and ending up hurting yourself

Any other advice would be appreciated

Hi Sanguine_bazzar

Please read the reviews located on the bottom of the product page, these will be sure to answer all of your questions.


Ive used the doc johnson one and it numbs the entrance enough to take away the stinging sensation of the initial entry. Tbh i think its mainly psychological though because you know it wont hurt so you are more relaxed hence its painless!

you can still feel everything and i dont think the numbing stuff is strong enough that it would block out all pain. You can still feel discomfort.

i put a small amount on a plug or small dildo to start working before you put anything larger in. Now im more used to anal i dont need the numbing stuff at all but i fiund it helped me to relax and feel less tense.

I swear by Pjur Back Door relaxing silicone anal glide. There is no numbing, so you don't have to worry about injuring yourself. It just relaxes. But I agree with Cazz. Go in and read all the reviews. That is where you will find the details you are looking for.