
I've always been intrigued to know if I'm normal, so this is a bit of a self indulgent thread but I also think it's an interesting topic of conversation too!

I have an obsessive personality - which is very different to an addictive one in my experience.

I love routines and used to suffer with OCD to the extent that my hands look very old now from all the handwashing in my childhood.

I butter my bread right to the edge (apparently this is weird) and like to organise things very well. I go through "routines" where I'll eat the same thing very often - it used to be every day but I'm much healthier now - examples include; Maltesers, white chocolate, toast, houmous, jacket potato, halloumi cheese, pancakes. I'll go through a few weeks where I eat these things fairly often then will move onto a different one.

I have to check things over and over - locked doors, lights, straighteners.

I've noticed routine creeping into our sex life too. I generally give head every day in bed and am genuinely gutted if I can't do it for whatever reason. I get routines with specific sex toys and will use the same one every time before swapping to another.

I love hearing about people's habits because I really find them fascinating so I thought this would be a great place to talk about our oddness!

So what weird habits do you have and do you take them to the extremes?


The one that I can think of is really, really annoying: if I have misplaced something or somebody else has put it elsewhere and I can't find it, whatever what is happening, that 'thing' has to be found there and then. Even if I don't need it......

I'm similar to you in some ways, but I think mine is more related to paranoia than obsession. I have a lock on my bedroom door which I always have to keep checking to make sure is locked. I'll check it once it's locked, and often I'll be half way downstairs and my paranoia makes me go back upstairs to triple check. When I leave the house, I get down to the end of the road and get paranoid I haven't locked the front door, even though I know I must have.

I do get into routines with sex toys, although that tends to be down to my favourites changing every so often rather than really being part of a routine.

In real life I can be a bit of a neat freak. I dont need things tidy, but if for example there's two pens on the table, I have to place them next to each other in parallel lines. I also can't stand crumpled paper.

My mum butters bread right to the edge and I always call her weird lol! She always complains when I make her a sandwich and the butter isnt right to the edge :P

I dont tend to obsess about anything except self-hygeine really. If I feel dirty I will not be able to get it out of my head until I have showered or brushed my teeth or whatever. Although this annoyance luckily gets suspended during all sexual activity...

I think your thing with locked doors etc is pretty much normal - people just want to be sure that they havent made a mistake!

I think with "checking" things - for me anyway - I do things out of habit so often that I don't actually *remember* doing them and therefore I have to conciously check. I've been halfway to town and had to come back to check my straighteners and I now have to hang my dressing gown on the bathroom door before I get in the bath so I know I've definitely locked it.

I'm with you on the hygeine too - another thing I have to keep an eye on because I can find it starting to take over.

I do have to keep my obsessions under control to prevent them getting compulsive again but I do find habits fascinating! Did anyone watch that programme "Freak Like Me"?

WandA arranges his food. Very odd.


I'm exactly the same in that respect - I do get paranoid about the door because I do it so often I dont even remember. I got into the habit back along (a habit I'm trying to get out of) of saying "definitely locked" when I lock the door because I remember saying that although I dont remember locking it. I've been trying to get out of it though since it seems to trigger my paranoia and I have to check and say it a loads of times. Been trying lately to get out of it and just check the door once and then making a strong mental note of the fact that it's locked.

Freak Like Me really amused me actually. It made me think of all the little things that you always do. Like the order in which you shower and menial things like that. Its quite funny though. The guy with the tweezers must have the patience of a saint!

I suffer with OCD, it all goes back to when i was in a car crash whilst pregnant with my son. Ever since ive had serious issues with security and ive had therapy for my anxiety. This probably sounds bad but its drastically better than it was. There was a point where i could barely leave the house and became very depressed as by the time id done all my checks it would take so long to go ut that it made it pointless almost. I count in 5s or even numbers, things like the tv volume has to be set to an even number and i have to carry 5 items with me which are my iphone, keys, bank card, makeup and camera which i count (discreetly) before going somewhere and before leaving that place. All plugs have to be switched off, i cant leave anything on standby. Things have to be lined up in a certain way and i have to check windows and doors frequently and touch them a certain number of times before i feel safe and can move on and check the next room. At one point it was so extreme i was counting items as they went in and out of the washing machine, id count my every step, id randomly have to count to 5 several times for no reason in my head, id have lots of lists of things i needed to do/had done/needed to purchase etc, my hands were red raw from washing them, id have have to rinse cups a certain numbe rof times before making a drink.

Therapy did help considerably although i probably appear a 'freak' to some compared to how i was i feel norma ish .

Not many people are aware of this because i havent told them and because im quite discreet so unless your around me frequently you probably wouldnt notice. Those that do know will purposely set things to odd numbers to try to be funny/irritate me which orignally was very annoying but i think in some ways its helped as i like to see if i can leave it odd or how long i can go without altering it. I find its worse when im anxious or stressed about something x

*Emma* wrote:

I suffer with OCD, it all goes back to when i was in a car crash whilst pregnant with my son. Ever since ive had serious issues with security and ive had therapy for my anxiety. This probably sounds bad but its drastically better than it was. There was a point where i could barely leave the house and became very depressed as by the time id done all my checks it would take so long to go ut that it made it pointless almost. I count in 5s or even numbers, things like the tv volume has to be set to an even number and i have to carry 5 items with me which are my iphone, keys, bank card, makeup and camera which i count (discreetly) before going somewhere and before leaving that place. All plugs have to be switched off, i cant leave anything on standby. Things have to be lined up in a certain way and i have to check windows and doors frequently and touch them a certain number of times before i feel safe and can move on and check the next room. At one point it was so extreme i was counting items as they went in and out of the washing machine, id count my every step, id randomly have to count to 5 several times for no reason in my head, id have lots of lists of things i needed to do/had done/needed to purchase etc, my hands were red raw from washing them, id have have to rinse cups a certain numbe rof times before making a drink.

Therapy did help considerably although i probably appear a 'freak' to some compared to how i was i feel norma ish External Media.

Not many people are aware of this because i havent told them and because im quite discreet so unless your around me frequently you probably wouldnt notice. Those that do know will purposely set things to odd numbers to try to be funny/irritate me which orignally was very annoying but i think in some ways its helped as i like to see if i can leave it odd or how long i can go without altering it. I find its worse when im anxious or stressed about something x

I can relate a lot - never as bad as you were fortunately but I was a serious hand washer and looking back now I realise there were lots of other things - counting stairs, counting paving stones, avoiding walking on certain things. Having to have things symmetrical (so if I touched something of an odd texture with one hand I'd have to do it with the other, then constantly alternate until it felt "right"). I was young so luckily I grew out of it and now I do my level best to avoid getting into habits like that and over ride it but there are still some little traits there. It makes me a beter worker though because I think about things in the most extreme manner, in the restaurant I never cough or sniffle in the restaurant always go "out of the way" and if I just can't help it then I'll make sure I go wash my hands and make it quite obvious incase someone with a "thing" about germs (like I had) sees it.

Good at attention to detail because of it too which is great in science!


Also - I meant to add - it's admireable that you've managed to deal with it and get it to a "manageable" level - I don't think it's something that ever truly goes away but as long as you're in a position where you can "deal" with it then that's great :)


I won't bore you people with the individual examples, all more odd than worth talking about and Ad knows the answers anyway.

I like my order. I don't do items in 2s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s in the single digits and then I only do items in the 10s past 25 (I also like 15). 'Colourbetical' is also a favoured system, from dark to light or favoured colours. Size, almost a necessity unless I'm going for a 'random' look... which is actually carefully scripted. I have a game that uses calender months, I *must* save on the 1st of every month or before a big event.

Then there are my lists... My many lists, including my list of all food/ingredients in the house stored on the computer by area the food is stored. And also I plan menus for the week.. I'll stop now...

I don't get too OCD about anything except food. Wherein I somehow acquired very specific 'systems' for certain items. For instance... cherry bakewells, jaffa cakes, etc., I simply cannot eat as they are. Rather, they have to be consumed in accordance with my preference for their constituent parts. (Bite off chocolate, separate cake bit from orange bit, and so on...)

To summarise, never invite me to lunch. :-D


I'm a twiddler. I tend to twirl and fiddle with sticks, kitchen utensils, etc. It's not quite an obsession, but I do keep on doing it when really I should just put the thing down and walk away.

WandA wrote:

I won't bore you people with the individual examples, all more odd than worth talking about and Ad knows the answers anyway.External Media

I like my order. I don't do items in 2s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s in the single digits and then I only do items in the 10s past 25 (I also like 15). 'Colourbetical' is also a favoured system, from dark to light or favoured colours. Size, almost a necessity unless I'm going for a 'random' look... which is actually carefully scripted. I have a game that uses calender months, I *must* save on the 1st of every month or before a big event.

Then there are my lists... My many lists, including my list of all food/ingredients in the house stored on the computer by area the food is stored. And also I plan menus for the week.. I'll stop now...

You started doing that for the next fortnight - that was really annoying! I mean I don't mind order, but knowing what I'm having to eat every day for the next 14 days is extreme.

Tbf, I used to know what I was eating for the next 14 days but only because it was the same every day - can of diet coke, Galaxy bar and a packet of crisps for lunch & 6 slices of toast spread throughout the evening.


i have routines when im getting dressed. its not as such an obsessional thing, its more because of my dyspraxia that if i dont get dressed in that order i'll forget to put something on!

I have to have my uni boooks at my flat sorted by thickness and size so the biggest and thickest is at the bottom of the stack and the thinest and smallest at the top.

if i try some new food that ive never had before i have to sniff it for some reason :S

and i can only sleep if theres some background noise on, like a cartoon show or some music.

when i shower i always have to wash my hair first otherwise even though i do it i think i havent.

I ha to put my keys, purse, MP3 player and handbag in the same spot otherwise it feels wrong and i'll loose them.

sweetlove666 wrote:

i have routines when im getting dressed. its not as such an obsessional thing, its more because of my dyspraxia that if i dont get dressed in that order i'll forget to put something on!

I have to have my uni boooks at my flat sorted by thickness and size so the biggest and thickest is at the bottom of the stack and the thinest and smallest at the top.

if i try some new food that ive never had before i have to sniff it for some reason :S

and i can only sleep if theres some background noise on, like a cartoon show or some music.

when i shower i always have to wash my hair first otherwise even though i do it i think i havent.

I ha to put my keys, purse, MP3 player and handbag in the same spot otherwise it feels wrong and i'll loose them.

Sensible. Yes I do them too...

When I leave the house I usually say something that sounds like 'Monkey fun' and hit my chest and each hip before trotting off. It sounds mad but it actually stands for Money, Key and Phone each held in a separate place and I give them a little check before I leave. I'm surprised they let me leave the house to be honest.

My worst habbit is simple and Im not sure if is even a habbit but my hands shake not because Im scared or anything though tends to get worse at said moments but for some reason they just always shake I dont really notice that much though but it annoys my partner for some reason.

Oh also if I ever start cleaning one thing like the dishes or something I then have to clean the whole house I dont know why but I cant control this random urge to clean the whole place even more strange is this only happens in other peoples houses not mine I hate cleaning my own place but I do it anyway.

WandA wrote:

sweetlove666 wrote:

i have routines when im getting dressed. its not as such an obsessional thing, its more because of my dyspraxia that if i dont get dressed in that order i'll forget to put something on!

I have to have my uni boooks at my flat sorted by thickness and size so the biggest and thickest is at the bottom of the stack and the thinest and smallest at the top.

if i try some new food that ive never had before i have to sniff it for some reason :S

and i can only sleep if theres some background noise on, like a cartoon show or some music.

when i shower i always have to wash my hair first otherwise even though i do it i think i havent.

I ha to put my keys, purse, MP3 player and handbag in the same spot otherwise it feels wrong and i'll loose them.

Sensible. Yes I do them too...

When I leave the house I usually say something that sounds like 'Monkey fun' and hit my chest and each hip before trotting off. It sounds mad but it actually stands for Money, Key and Phone each held in a separate place and I give them a little check before I leave. I'm surprised they let me leave the house to be honest.

Me too - I have a set pocket for certain things - my phone and pass wallet go in separate coat pockets (along with lipbalm and a tissue in the winter), my keys in a certain pocket in my bag and I have to check that I have then all when I leave somewhere which really stresses me out if I put my phone in my bag (don't like it in my coat if I'm hanging the coat on a chair) then can't find it!


My phone has to go in one pocket, any other pocket and i loose it.

Ive been known to add an extra 100 miles onto a car journey as i had to turn back to check i had locked the house,

I have to use a duster on the midrange cone on my home loudspeakers every day (just the midrange cone),

I have to run the washing machine empty every fortnight so i know its clean and will clean my clothes, if i have not then i refuse to use the machine until i have run it empty

I have to play a 28hz sine wave at full power for 30 seconds once a day

I have to have a running computer in the room i sleep incase i need to check something in the middle of the night

it takes me 10 attempts to dial a phone number as i put it in and delete it, put it in and delete it

I have to check the oil in my car every day - i get angry if i cant

I physically start to panic when the fuel level in the car drops below half

The bit of my brain that deals with food is afraid of it so i have a very limited choice of food so can be very picky

I keep a keyboard and mouse in the car incase i need to use a computer belonging to another person, i just canot use strange keyboards

I have to have something in my hands to play with pretty much all the time

good god i am messed up :P

BlankExpression wrote:

it takes me 10 attempts to dial a phone number as i put it in and delete it, put it in and delete it

I have to check the oil in my car every day - i get angry if i cant

I physically start to panic when the fuel level in the car drops below half

I must say it takes a long time for me to work out a bill for a customer because I'm using a calculator to add up lots of numbers - I check each number has been entered correctly several times, I start again several times, I check I've used the right key (addition) and then I write down the "answer" on a separate piece of scrap paper then do an estimate by adding up the rounded versions of the numbers.

And I'm like this but with money - there's a particular number that once I get below that in the bank I get really stressed about it!
