Oh dear! Embarrassing Sex toy mishap/discovery

A funny story to cheer you all up today at my expense hehe:

My partner was over last week and unbeknown to me, our flogger must have found its way under the bed. My little girl found it a few days ago!

Now I have a sense of humor and I believe a very open mind with the attitude of discussing all things with my kids as/when they get older but how do you explain that one! LOL Luckily she is 7 so too young to realise anything sexual but I went bright red when she went crawling under my bed looking for a stuffed toy she lost and came out waving this thing going "mummy....whats this for?" erm erm erm....................

I couldnt even think of anything "unsexual" to call it, so I just said I dont know hunni give it me il put it away....she said "maybe its for grooming the dog".....

"yes hunni that must be it.....quick animaniacs is on!!!" lol jeeeeez I went red and Mr fluff sat giggling in the corner. Oh my days :S

Lol. That's funny. My son was about 6 when he found a pink vibe under our bed and asked what it was. I told him it was a toy microphone for his sister for Christmas and not to tell her cos it was a big secret. Luckily he didn't mention it Christmas Day when it didn't materialise. Toys are locked away in a suitcase now lol.