Oh My Lordy!.....................

Just HAVE to share this recent find on t' web with you all. Found it while looking for reviews on the Fun Factory G4 Paul & Paulina vibrator (as no-one's reviewed it on Lh yet). It Is: http://www.shopwiki.co.uk>EducationalSuppliesForKids WTF!!! For kids?! A rechargeable sex toy?!?!! I checked it out and there wasn't anything obvious implying it was for kids until I clicked on 'more information' and then something about educational supplies cropped up! Pretty wierd all in all though.

Any1 else found other curious/bizarre links like that???

D69x :-)

I'm confused... Can you put up the link to the website? When I change the '>' to a '/', it doesn't come up with anything.

Aaaaaanyway... I think I should go buy one and give it to my past self to when I was eight years old...

Sorry GNM - just try googling fun factory G4 paul and paulina reviews (was on page 2 or 3) - not overly much of an anything-ness but it just wierded me out abit!! I think I'm just guna get 1 anyway now but no harm to do alittle research!!

D69 ;-)

Lol, that's interesting... Only appears to show the category it's in on Google. So I'm guessing the people at Google don't know what vibrators are... Damned sexually repressive people.