OK, this is going to be weird

I get really heavy periods that last forever with lots of crmping and pain.

a close friend confided in me that he gets painful memses as well but has sex with her hubby and she says that the pain disappears. Its just very messy.

Is this true that sex can help with the pain and one can orgasm as well?

My man wont give me the time off day during that time, not even allowed to mention anything about this natural monthly event.

I find that it can temporarily relieve cramping and pain but for some people it can be uncomfortable. I guess it's because you're enjoying it so much you forget about the pain. The orgasming effect could also tone down the usual cramping.

I'd advise the use of hot water bottles or some sort of heat pack like this- http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=2426

I'd personally suggest the use of a glass dildo. They're so easy to clean up and give a wonderful massaging effect down there. I usually give most sexual acts a miss when I'm on my monthly but some external stimulation feels nice too. Yes, you can still orgasm while you're on. =P

Interesting. I find I can still get aroused when "on" when reading erotica for instance.

Oh yes, you can still orgasm. I am usually horny as hell, but I am scared I would make a mess so I usually hold back and then have a go when its not so heavy. I dont get horny when I am in lot of pain, but after the painkillers kick in... I do get horny.

Yeah I ordered one of those hearts.

I tend to buy those packs in the supermarket that last for 8 to 12 hours but they are so expensive, thos in a long run those hearts might be a better solution when at home.

@ Laveila, get get really horny when just a day short of ovulating. I can not think of anything else but having my evil way with hubby and then with a toy after. Also a couple of days before the big "p" arrives I am quite horny and sometimes just after. But around ovulation time its really bad. I thought it might get better with age but it seems to be getting worse. LOL

Well, my partner is more in danger of me having my evil way with him during my period, which is really funny. Either I ovulate at the same time or my ovulation does nothing to me body, strangely. I will really have to start looking for it more.

I know when I ovulate its 3 days of pain as well in my case. I seem to ovulate from both ovaries, even though its supposed to be one or the other side each month. But as usual my body does not follow protocol. The ovaries swell up until the egg is released and then I have to wear pads as it gets quite wet. My menses are very exact and I can time my life around it all. I am kind of hoping to go into menopause because of all the pain. Its also said that women in menopause can get better G-spot orgasms. I am still trying to find mine.

Well, endorphins are released during orgasm and endorphins are natural pain-killers. It's cheaper than a paracetamol and more fun!

Obviously I'm in no position to do anything but guess, so feel free to ignore me, but i wonder if your period cramps are like any other muscle cramps. I know if I ever get a cramp the only way to make it go away quickly is to stretch the muscles. If by having sex you give the same muscles a bit of a workout and a stretch, then I can see why it would help, at least in the short term.
That, added to the endorphins and also taking your mind off it - i could see if helping quite a lot!

My ex partner used to enjoy having sex whilst she was on. She did say that the feel of being penetrated and the orgasm after would help with the muscle cramps. Initially I was a little bit dubious, however if I'm honest, after the first few occasions of lovemaking, I really got into it. I am now looking forward to experiencing period sex again soon. It is really sexy being inside your partner and looking down to see your cock going inside her and seeing it covered in her period blood. I'm sorry if that sounds disgusting but I was originally repulsed by the idea of period sex but now I am a massive fan!!

No, menstruation cramps are different from muscle cramps. it is caused by womb contractions which are trying to clean itself at the end of one circle from old mucosa (if this is the word). I think the period cramps are more dependant on how you are made. And I heard it can depend on how hard it is to remove the mucosa from the womb - the harder, the worse the cramps, plus lacking some minerals can also influence it. But not sure how true it is. The problem is that exercise can help with the pain only to certain extent. Some women dont have any problems and exercise can help them to get rid of the rest. When you get to my level, where I cannot drink a glass of water or my stomach is seriously revolting, I cannot eat, and you are curled in a ball for hours, praying the pain killer kicks in... The exercise is not going to help as any movement makes it far worse.

i get massively horny just before my period, and the cramps sometimes get really bad. But the times when my Sir is around for my period are great, because He LOVES period sex, and the orgasms help with the pain. It's just messy.

Toireasa wrote:

i get massively horny just before my period, and the cramps sometimes get really bad. But the times when my Sir is around for my period are great, because He LOVES period sex, and the orgasms help with the pain. It's just messy.

Its not helped that you are so irregular though :(

I always have sex with my husband when I'm on my period... I actually find that the sex makes my period pains first...

AA. ovulation is different for every woman. It is possible to have it anytime during the circle, including just before and just after menstruation (thats why you never should have sex without protection even during your period, some women do menstruate immediately after it and so can get easily pregnant) and it is possible to have a circle without it (generally for most women 1 or 2 circles a year are without ovulation). Some women can even ovulate twice in the same month! There are medical cases where a woman gave birth to 2 babies, one being a week or two older than the other. Female body and how it works is still not fully known, I guess.

And it is possible to tell, for some. Some can feel their ovaria getting bit painful, your body scent changes - my friends husband can tell from her scent she is ovulation, as it gets more... attractive to him and the body temperature goes up. Your vagina can change as well, the secretion is different and there are changes on the cervix. Its one of the contraception methods, to monitor your body and get to know your body signs of ovulation. Or it is used if the woman is trying to conceive.

I can tell when I'm ovulating because I get super cranky & irrational, and I get back pain too on one side, it switches depending on which ovary is in action that month! It's usually a few days to a week of pain, with my period arriving around a week or so after the pain stops. But it changes month to month!

As for the original question, for me, period sex definitely cures my cramps -- the endorphins released during sex are natural painkillers! As for being able to orgasm, eh yeah! There's nothing different about your vagina at this time, except for the bleeding. I find myself much more sensitive as well, which is lovely, and my partner likes it because I'm more responsive too.

As for not being "allowed" to mention your period and not having period sex... each to their own, but any man who has a problem with the natural function of my vagina (ie, menses) doesn't get to play with it, ever. It's part and parcel of being an adult woman and there's nothing bad or gross about it at all! Lash a towel down, have at it ;)

when i use to ovulate I use to get a horrible pain on one side, feel very sick and generally horrible..Thank goodness for the meneria coil.

Sex can help with period pain as the muscles used to orgasm can counter effect period pains,you are generally relaxed which also helps.

As for not mentioning periods or anything period related i agree with Shellyboo..no support no entry.

I usually get pain before I'm due on but find an O will start the bleed and is a huge relief.

It's so interesting to hear how others feel about this. Also that men (who are soooo into women/sex) know so little about them and how they work, knowledge is power and could... score the odd brownie point! lol