Outdoor Sex

At the Top of a mountain in Italy ! absolutely fantastic amazing how height awakes the senses

on a beach in hawaii but sand did get everywere so went for a dip after.and also over top of a waterfall in new zeland

on a beach in hawaii but sand did get everywere so went for a dip after.and also over top of a waterfall in new zeland

on a beach in hawaii but sand did get everywere so went for a dip after.and also over top of a waterfall in new zeland

I would love to try outdoor sex with my other half, I know it is something she wouldn't mind trying as long as we don't get caught.

i haven't tired it outdoors yet apart from in a tent but its one on my list of to do's

In a multi-storey car park, in a field, on a bridge over a busy A-road, bonnet of a car, in the car (another Mini!), weirdest place must have been a cross-country jump (I don't recommend it, it was mildly painful!)

On the rugby pitch at my university campus in the pooring rain! Was so brilliant :) wish I could have more sex outisde but living in a really built up area makes it to difficult

Had full sex outside for the first time last year. It was on the walk home from town after a few drinks in a dark corner of a park.

on the bonet of my car in a disused farm with the sun baking down on us - with an ex.

fistinglover69 wrote:

cheer_up wrote:

I had outdoor sex for the first time last week! (I just mentally high-fived myself after typing that. How I find anyone willing to sleep with me is a mystery.)

There's a building site thingy near my old flat; they just demolished an old people's home or something and the ground's all tilled, but there's a really grassy bank out of the way. Some local yoofs had broken the fence and I dragged my friend in there whilst very, very drunk.

It was absolutely brilliant.

awwww theres somewhere like that in ormskirk, a big block of flats and then like a special needs place and it was all broken into so we all went in - was quite scary

how romantic lol

had a quick fumble early in the morning in a place where we couldn't be seen so i thought

up against the wall of a church

dont think we are going to heavan now!!

no i bet you praised the lord when you came lol